The Jones family, Proctor family, and a few of the Rowser family joined us for our evening of hot dogs and marshmallows. Thank you friends for a good time!

Our busy life with an amazing veterinarian and cattleman, a gardening, quilting and history loving wife and mother, a creative perfectionist violinist, a spunky and kind epileptic princess, a sweet yet wild little man, and the most mellow and happy babe, on a joyful 1/2 acre living and loving in a beautiful mountain valley.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
a roast
The Jones family, Proctor family, and a few of the Rowser family joined us for our evening of hot dogs and marshmallows. Thank you friends for a good time!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
beginnings of the violin
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tori's civil war Facebook pictures

Mr. Bowman took this one of my little man. It is so cute, I must include it also!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Friday School Days at Heber Valley Civil War Weekend
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
School Days turned out great. Hopefully those 800 kids learned something, I sure did. Saturday, our public day, turned out fun. We had a bunch of reenactors come that I had never met before and were not part of our organization - but soon will be! The quilt show turned out fun. Kelsey's quilt won Judges Choice! I told her she is getting too big for her britches because I have never won a Judges Choice ribbon! She also spent the day with some of our civilians and learned to card wool and turn it into something wonderful. She actually used a spinning wheel and spun her own yarn from raw wool. That girl! Thanks Debbie, Kami, and Amy!
The live shoot went great. I have been collecting donations for months now for all the shoot prizes. The dance was a blast. Oh my goodness, if only we danced like that now! What fun!

My sister Tori took this picture during the skirmish. You would never know the battle was fought at a park with a playground and pavilion in the background! The smoke from the cannon sure helped! She took around 500 pictures. She will be posting more, as will I, as soon as I find my camera! I seem to have misplaced it somewhere between the battle and the ball. Dang it!
My parents came up to take care of my children for the weekend. I don't know what I would have done without them! My poor children would have been very neglected without them! Also thanks to Tori and Jared for coming up, supporting us, and taking pictures for us! Thanks Utah Civil War Association friends! And JONES - thanks for such a fabulous time! We do great work!
Now that the laundry is caught up, I have had some good nights rest, and my toilets are clean again, I will be checking in more often - I have alot to report!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
hip hip hooray
I took Kendal to Primary Children's Medical Center today for a neurological checkup. Her neurologist just retired last month, so we got to meet a new doctor. I have been hoping and praying that the new doctor was not so conservative and that he would think we could start Kendal on a slow taper off of her seizure medicine. Well, PRAYERS ANSWERED!!
I get to begin her taper tomorrow morning. She will get 3/4 of her normal morning dose and then a normal evening dose - we do that for 2 weeks and then decrease the evening dose to 3/4 and so on and so forth. That means in 4 months she should be tapered down to nothing - unless her seizures come back. (She has been seizure free for 3 years and 2 months.)
Anyway, it is great news at our house. Her meds have some yucky side effects and it will be interesting to see my REAL 5 year old daughter since she has been on these meds since she was 20 months old. I imagine she will still be a spitfire, but hopefully one that is really her and not the medicine!
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
On a happier note, Kelsey went through my civil war reproduction fabric last night and chose these to make a civil war quilt for the quilt show in two weeks. It is being held in conjunction with our Heber Valley Civil War and Living History Weekend. What 8 year old asks if she can make a quilt and enter it into a civil war quilt show? She is wonderful.