It is so hard for me to get much quilting done in the summer.
I suppose since Kenna sleeps in my sewing room, that doesn't help.
But I did get this sweet thing back from the machine quilter a few days ago.
This is a Friendship Quilt Block quilt from a few years ago.
Meaning that some of the Dutchmans Puzzle blocks were made by some friends from my local quilt guild.
I think it turned out great. Now my most dreaded part - the binding.
This is a simple quilt I made for one of my civil war reenacting friends.
He usually portrays a Confederate Infantry soldier, so I made this quilt to look like one of the quilts a family member or a ladies aid society would have made and sent to the soldiers in the field.
I used all civil war reproduction fabrics and attached this label.
It says " Made for J.P. Merton.
I pray you will return to us safely.
R. Crane"
I get to deliver this quilt to its new owner next week. I hope he likes it!
13 of my family members have been involved in a really fun friendship block exchange over the past year. We have a reunion coming up next month where we raffle off items to raise money for the reunion the following year. My aunt had a fun idea to have us each make a block and put together a quilt for the reunion. There is always a gorgeous quilt made every year, so this is just an additional quilt.
I put the quilt top together yesterday, since we all decided on a patriotic theme for our blocks. I need to add one more border of blue, maybe two, and then get this baby completed by Labor Day.
It has been such a fun project with blocks made by family members from age 11 to 72ish.
Then that brings me to this sweetheart. I have blogged about it before, but I FINALLY got it bound last week and entered it into our county fair.
I made it in 2011 as a block of the month for our local quilt guild.
It is called Time Marches On, and each block represents a time period or war the United States has been involved in. Of course I used civil war reproduction fabrics, and traditional block patterns so it could be used at my civil war events.
I love combining quilting and civil war whenever possible.
So, that is some of the sewing I have been able to get finished recently. It is too nice outside to be sewing. And too many weeds to pull as well.