Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Worth Blogging

I finally have something worth blogging about - Matt and I went on a date!
That is a big deal for those of you who are not around us very often. I have been thinking for a long time and the last time Matt and I, just the two of us, went somewhere together just to go somewhere was seriously before Kelsey was born. That is more than 6 years! I promise I am not exaggerating.
Anyway, Matt usually has Tuesdays off, so yesterday after we took the girls to school, we went to breakfast. I know, some of you were thinking a BIGGER date, but I will take what I can get - baby steps here. We had a wonderful breakfast and we were able to talk about Christmas presents without worrying about too keen of ears, we talked about our upcoming schedules, and we just talked and ate a great breakfast. It was wonderful. And you know what he said "We should do this more often." I nodded my 6 year agreement!
I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope all your travels go well. I filled up the car with gas yesterday for $1.68 a gallon. It was great! Instead of $50 to fill up the car, it only took $18. Anyway, have a super Thanksgiving and you crazy BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPERS, throw some elbows for me!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I talked to my mom yesterday on the phone and she asked me if I was sick or if my computer was sick. Neither was the answer. I just have nothing to say this week. Imagine that, me with nothing to say!

The scissor thing has gotten a little out of control this week. Kendal will walk up to me and say "Tut momma" (smack her lips and smile) "Pease." Which means "I wanna cut some more paper and make a huge mess and if I smile and act all grown up you will let me, by the way, please." A few of your comments have made me fear for my curtains, any important papers within reach, hair, books, etc, but so far so good.

Kelsey started a little ceramics class with the parks and rec and has been enjoying that. She is painting two small cats and a "laying down foal." Those are her words.

Matt has been busy chopping wood, driving to work, and reading his cow/bull sale magazines. I am glad the weather is still SO NICE!! That drive is nasty, he is a good man.

I have actually been sewing and will have a pictures of a few projects to post soon, hopefully, and I went to TWILIGHT last night and decided I better read that 4th book. I have not read it on purpose just because I don't want the story to be over for me, but I really need to find out what happens.

That is our week. Sorry there is not anything good, but my sister on the other hand has a bunch to say on her blog and in her own TORI way. A must read for the not-so-light-hearted, it is great.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is RACEY the right word?

Last night Kelsey and I went on a date together. We went to the Timpanogoes Valley Theater's production of Oklahoma! We had a good time together and I enjoyed the show. Kelsey enjoyed the dancing and the little rest she got on my lap during the last part of Act I. I remember Wayne High School doing Oklahoma! my senior year, the only year I wasn't in the school musical. I know I went to it though because most of my friends were in it, but I don't remember it being so, what is the word, RACEY? Kelsey said to me on our way to the car after it was over "Mom, that was such a lovey show. There was a lot of kissing and a lot of loving wasn't there?" It cracked me up. I am glad she is too young to catch all the "lovey" suggestions and jokes in the play!
Here is Kelsey during the intermission. She has a sucker in her mouth. She got to dress up a bit and enjoyed that part too. I also dressed up a little but I spared you all a picture. Be thankful, it involved a silky maternity shirt with ruffles. Be very grateful.

It was such a nice day today that we had to go outside all afternoon. Kelsey packed her and her sister a picnic lunch and ate it on the tramp. I told her that we needed to take the tramp mat off soon so I wouldn't be doing it in 3 feet of snow again (see Dec 2007 posts for photo prove). I think she wanted to enjoy the tramp while they could. Anyway, it was so cute I had to take a picture, or two.

I did some neglected yard work for a little while until my big black garbage was full and then that was my excuse to be done, although there is still quite a bit to do. Matt got home from preg checking and vaccinating 250 cows, castrating a horse, and something else I forgot about, and then we all chopped and hauled wood. Okay, we didn't all chop, just Matt did the chopping but the girls and I did the hauling and I have to say I have some very sweet, helpful, strong girls.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We love scissors

Kendal has a favorite new past time and that is scissors. She is finally getting the hang of them and can actually cut paper now and do some damage.

A month or so ago I gave her a pair of scissors and a piece of paper and I had to sit there and help her the entire time.

She now has the coordination to go gang busters on her own. She LOVES to cut and she will come up to me and say in her own little language "cut paper mommy" and she will stay busy for a good 20 or 30 minutes.

She will even say "otay" when I tell her it is time to clean up.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sweet Little Butterfly

Well, its in there all right!
Today I had an ultrasound on my abdomen and they found something there - a little person just waiting to join our family. I was wondering why I was busting out of my bras, pants, and everything else like The Incredible Hulk. No just kidding, we have planned this little one for awhile now and it is coming at the end of March, just like we planned. What a sweet addition this will be for the Cranes. And no, we didn't find out if this little butterfly is a boy or a girl - it will be a SURPRISE!

These are pictures I just took of a few of the pictures they printed out for me, so if ultrasound pictures were not clear enough for you in the first place, now try to figure it out! The top one is an arm and head, and the bottom one is it's foot. Look, it's second toe is longer than it's first!

This is exciting news for us and hopefully I will continue to get fat and things will go smoothly for this little one. I wonder if it has any idea that two big sisters are waiting to love it clear to pieces.

By the way, our Biggest Loser Contest is going well and I think we are on week 7 out of 10. I apparently have lost the contest, but I told Jen that IF I gain the appropriate amount of weight I should get a prize. I am trying not to reach the 42 pound gain like I did with the other two. Doesn't 39 just sound so much better?!?!?

$60 and corn

I am giving you a $60 update.
So far so good. I went to Smiths again yesterday and spent almost $18 on bread, toothpaste, saltines, apples, corn chips, and pasta. The last 2 are for my dinner swap tomorrow night. So that puts me 1/3 of the way through the month and $25 spent. I think I will be alright. It has been so interesting to notice how much I say to myself "I'll just run down to Smiths (it is 8 blocks away) and pick that up."

If anyone needs a horrible laugh, my friends Joe and Lindsay's blog has a good post right now. It involves a one year old, corn kernels, and nostrils. Click to the left on their blog if you need to think your child is an angel today.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

More reading and less sewing for Rachel

A few weeks ago I read this book that I had purchased with my 12 year old niece in mind. I give books and money for birthday presents to my nieces and nephews. I bought a few for April and I ended up giving her FAIREST a fun story by the author of Ella Enchanted. I of course read it before I gave it to her and I loved it. My niece, being an avid reader had already read it though I found out on her birthday. So I got on and sent her the 5th book of The Sisters Grimm series. She loves them. Anyway, I read one of the other books I got for her a few weeks ago called Crispin: The Cross of Lead. It was a good book and I enjoyed it. I enjoy reading young adult literature.

Tomorrow is my favorite of all nights - Quilt Guild. We are doing a fun fun project that I needed some specific fabric for. I ran to the cutest little store in Midway called Seasons of Home and purchased my fabric. Kendal and I went upstairs where they have the cutest gifts, cutesy things, puzzles, and now books. I found another Crispin book! I found the second one! I didn't even know there was a second one. So, I read it last night and this morning. It was also really really good.

I realized and remembered something from these books - I am so grateful to live where I do and when I do. These books are set in England in the 1370's. There are poor poor peasant tenants and farmers and of course the mighty Lords, Dukes, and landowners. You were born to a certain station and you stayed there, your entire life. How lucky we are that we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I figure even with the new President we are going to have, things are great in this wonderful land of promise. We can be just about anyone we want to be. How incredible is that? Count your blessings and let being a citizen of the United States of America be one of them.

Monday, November 03, 2008


I have a new November goal. Everyone hang on to your britches - my goal is to only spend $60 at the grocery store this month. I have been shopping like crazy for a month or so and my storage shelves in the basement are full. My pantry is full, my cupboards are so full things fall on my head when I open them. My freezer is so full that I can not even put in a package of corn dogs on sale at Smiths! It is time to live off of my shelves! I do have one exception - if tuna goes on sale for a good price, I have to buy some that will not be included in my $60. We are running VERY low on tuna, and I LOVE tuna!

Two friends and myself do a dinner meal swap on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. I make myself and their 2 families dinner on Wednesdays. It will be so fun and interesting not to run to Smiths on Tuesday afternoon with my meal list. My goal will also encompass Thanksgiving Dinner. Whatever assignment Tori gives me will have to purchased from my basement! I am pretty excited about this monthly goal. We spend way too much on food and more food and just stuff.

I have already gone to Smiths today and purchased 2 gallons of milk, a loaf of bread, some bananas, and a donut for Kendal for $7.95. (I had ONE bite!) I have $52. 05 and 28 days to go! Wish me luck! Maybe some of you don't spend as much as I do at the grocery store and you think I am silly. I haven't kept track of how much I spend at the store since we lived in Oregon, but I am guessing it is easily over $300.00. Some of you penny pinchers may scoff at my $60, but I still have to buy diapers for my 3 1/2 year old! That dang Topamax - we are blaming it on the medication, not her stubbornness!

Saturday, November 01, 2008



One Word Tag
1. Where is your cell phone? NADA
2. Where is your significant other? SALINA
3. Your hair color? BROWN
4. Your mother? GROOVY
5. Your father? HANDSOME
6. Your favorite thing? LAUGHTER
7. Your dream last night? HORRIBLE
8. Your dream/goal? KIDS
9. The room you're in? COMPUTER
10. Your hobby? YARD
11. Your fear? PAIN
12. Where do you want to be in six years? SOUTH
13. Where were you last night? HALLOWEEN
14. What you're not? THIN
15. One of your wish list items? CLEAN
16. Where you grew up? RURAL
17. The last thing you did? DIAPER
18. What are you wearing? SHORTS
19. Your TV? NADA
20. Your pet? YUCK
21. Your computer?DUSTY
22. Your mood? CONTENT
23. Missing someone? ALWAYS
24. Your car? MALIBU
25. Something you're not wearing? SOCKS
26. Favorite Store? FABRIC
27. Your summer? SUPER
28. Love someone? MANY
29. Your favorite color? RAINBOW
30. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY
31. Last time you cried? WEEK


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