Torrey Apple Days is always held on the weekend following the 4th of July.
It has been a tradition for many years for our family.
This year just the kids and I went down with my parents because Matt had to work.
went to the parade and then we headed to my grandma's house which is
just a block away from main street. That is always my favorite part of
the weekend - just going to my grandma's house.
On the short walk there, I saw some of my grandpa's old equipment and took a few pictures for fun.
There are some old pictures of my grandpa sitting in the front of this truck that are so sweet.
He was a logger. He knew Boulder Mountain better than anyone in the county.
He loved being out in the trees with his sons and their chainsaws.
This little dozer is my uncle Tuv's. It was used to drag the trees they cut down to the piles. Then all the trees were hauled off the mountain to the sawmill. My uncle Tuv died on the mountain when I was 7, doing what they all loved to do.
This is my uncle Mack, myself, my Grandma Elaine, and my cousin Weston's
baby, Bryndl, on my grandma's front porch. It was a great visit. My
cousin Marcy and all of her grown up kids were there and I haven't seen
them in years and years and years. Marcy was the super cool and
beautiful older cousin that took me to get my ears pierced when I was 8. So many fun memories of her when I was little. I also got to visit with my fun and crazy male cousins. They make me laugh.
I had a great weekend and I am so glad I got to spend a little time in Torrey.