"Don't have a laptop? Well, everyone else does and you can get one too, even if you have bad credit or no credit at all! Just call The Orange (or blue or yellow or whatever) Hippo and we will get you a new laptop, and maybe even a free MP3 player or digital camera! Yes, you can have a new laptop with bad credit. Bad or no credit is not your fault! Let us help you"
That is what I heard on the radio yesterday. Well, something like that anyway. Kendal had an appointment with her neurologist at Primary Children's Hospital yesterday and once I leave my beloved valley I no longer get my MOST beloved
KTMP radio station. Once I hit Park City or Provo, I have to listen to other radio stations. I usually just turn it off, but I was trying not to listen to Kendal's
Leapster game. I feel for all of you that have to listen to that crap everyday. Honestly, I feel badly for you. I think at least
every other advertisement or commercial I heard yesterday had the words "bad credit", "mortgage rate", or "how to get it FREE" in them.
Now, since I don't have normal TV, cable, or satellite, I listen to MY local radio station, and I don't really enjoy or visit CNN.com or even
KSL.com daily, Matt says I don't truly live in this world. Well, HERE I AM! I do live in this wonderful world! I just choose not to fill my little world with all the BIG world garbage! I know, I am naive in the current events of the day. I really am. I should be better that way, but still, I don't need pushy, LOUD, obnoxious radio or TV salesmen telling me how to live and what I NEED. How do you people deal with it everyday? The sarcasm, the noise, the "your a victim" spills, the harshness, the UNIMPORTANT clutter that it all gives you? Yuck, I felt
dirty and defiled just listening to it for a couple of hours!
Well, on to better things. The
neurologist - He is really happy with the amazing progress Kendal is making. He was very pleased with her physical abilities and also the way she responded to him. I was really hoping he would say "Let's start tapering Kendal off of that medicine she hates to take every night and morning" but he didn't. We get to have another EEG in July (that will be the 2 years seizure free mark) and if it reads normal THEN we get to TALK about tapering her off the
meds. Not such bad news really, but like I said, I was hopeful for NOW!

After our appointment at Primary Children's we headed to the amazing HUBCAP HEAVEN on 33rd South. I have wanted to go there since November 2006, when Matt first lost the central part of one of our hubcaps. It took me 2 1/2 years to replace a hubcap! How pitiful is that?!?!? Then last week Matt took the car to Ogden to have someone work on it (it no longer spontaneously makes the irritating signal noise!) and another FULL hubcap was lost. There must be hundreds of hubcaps on that road between here and Ogden because it has a record with us. So all of last week and this week I (but mostly Matt) has been driving my car without 2 hubcaps! I felt so self
conscious about it. It was like I was naked or revealing some PRIVATE part of my car that should not be revealed!
I called a few good
ol boys down home that have salvage yards and nobody has Malibu hubcaps. Nobody, not even HUBCAP HEAVEN did! So, the Heaven boys set me up with 4 new hubcaps. They were all into the SHINY chrome and all prettying me up and I told them I needed the most basic, plain hubcaps because I was not that kind of girl. They laughed and put these ones on for me. Matt says they are still too "loud" and he also made another racial comment that I will not put on our blog. But you know what? I have 4 hubcaps! Hooray!! Derek our neighbor told me that the only way he knows it is my white Malibu is the missing center hubcap. So just in case anyone else recognized me that way, I included the picture for you!