Our busy life with an amazing veterinarian and cattleman, a gardening, quilting and history loving wife and mother, a creative perfectionist violinist, a spunky and kind epileptic princess, a sweet yet wild little man, and the most mellow and happy babe, on a joyful 1/2 acre living and loving in a beautiful mountain valley.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Hello, is Mr. Petersen there? Anywhere?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Redenbacher Fever
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Message in a Bottle

So this afternoon I was talking to my neighbor Debbie about my yo yo making evening and what a crappy movie I had watched. She mentioned another movie that fits in the same category - City of Angels. I watched this one a long time ago, but it ends up tragic too! I don't want to live in a fairytale world where things are always perfect, but I like my movies to be that way.

If anyone else has a movie in mind that I can add to my Really Don't Like/Make Me Cry in a Bad Way list, let me know. I will be avoiding them along with a sinus headache.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Highlights of our Easter Weekend
We spent Friday and Saturday at the Ranch with the rest of the Crane Clan. It was a super time, even with the not-so-perfect weather.
Matt and his brothers, Mark, Mace, and Mike
There is NOTHING like a Deviled Egg smile on Easter! Kendal turned into a deviled egg fan.
Kelsey and her 7 year old cousins, Paige and Alysen
One of Kendal's highlights was the 4 wheeler rides, that girl loves the 4 wheeler.
Emmitt spent most of Friday and Saturday in the truck with me, in Mark and Emiko's trailer with someone, or
wrapped up snuggly-tight away from the wind, the fire's smoke, and the cold. It is a good thing he is such a good little baby.
Kelsey was quite the little rock climber, and Kendal even got brave enough to get to the top of a little clay hill. She is the pink dot on the hill. Kelsey got to the top of the cliffs. What a great weekend it was!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Kendal snuggled up to him after I took his picture, so I of course had to take a few more. She really is doing pretty well with not being the baby of the family anymore. She loves her little brother and is truly super sweet. I say that meaning her intentions are sweet. Right after this picture was taken, she laid on top of him. I guess Emmitt will be tough, he will have to be!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
We love Tuesdays
I showed Kelsey and Kendal what flowers were making it smell so sweet and then they loved smelling the hyacinths. Kendal also had a little problem with picking the flowers too. Guilt is spread all over your face when your two children are carrying around wilted daffodils and pansies!
They LOVED the water. Any and all the water features were admired, touched, loved, and watched for a very long time.
This was Emmitt's first little outing and at 2 weeks old today, he did great. I guess we will see if the wind bothered him tonight. Wish me luck and much sleep! This morning Emmitt had his first professional photo shoot. My cousin Sarah who has her own photography business came and did some super fun photos today. I will be sharing them in a week or so; look for her link on the side of my page.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Yesterday she put the pink 0-3 months clothes on and was so proud of herself. I had to take a picture. See the crotch snaps at her belly button and you would not believe how tight the bottom of those little pants are on her legs! She wore it around for about an hour and then I imagine the painted on feeling was a little much for her and she took them off.

Yesterday we made a trip to the library. I try to do this when Kendal is in preschool, but with the crumby weather (SNOW), Conference weekend, and Spring Break next week, I had to go and get a little prepared and Kendal came along. She was pretty good. She kept saying "need to pay for this" with every book and dvd she picked out. It was pretty cute. So 6 dvds later, a few books on CD for Matt, about 20 books, and a trip up the EXTREMELY noisy staircase chasing a giggling 3 year old who is also screaming "don't tetch me momma, don't tetch me" in the nice QUIET library, we checked out. The fun kid librarian and I have had a few good-book conversations and another one commenced. She told me about a book called The Hunger Games that she has just read. She thought it was pretty good.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Settling Down
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Clint and Glen had a great friendship and I am glad I got to benefit from it also. Clint was a super fun guy and he was super nice too. He was the truest kind of friend and he will be missed. I got to play with him on the Bicknell backroads (he was there when I wrecked my car 6 days after I got my license!), we wrote a few letters when he was in the MTC, for part of my Senior Ball date I went to his wedding reception, and I got to stop in at Checker Auto in Richfield every now and again to see his smiling, happy face. He was always happy to see me and I am grateful for his friendship.

He was born September 21, 1971 in Provo, Utah, a son of Mark Bliss and Diana Lee Stickney Elmer. He graduated from Wayne High School, Class of 1989.
He married Kami Kaye Hammond, the love of his life, February 19, 1993 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Together they had a son, Kolton Ray, which was Clint’s pride and joy.
Clint was a manager at Checker Auto and worked for them for over 15 years. He joined the National Guard in 2006, where he was with the 116th Engineer Company of Spanish Fork, currently a Specialist E4.
Clint was an avid reader. He enjoyed playing games with his family and friends. He like to hunt and fly fish, but more than anything, he loved being with his family and his friends. Clint, Kami and Kolton moved to Monroe in 1998 where they have made their home.
He is survived by his devoted and loving wife, Kami; his son, Kolton, both of Monroe; parents: Mark and Diana Elmer of Bicknell; brothers: Dallas and Kristina Elmer of Fremont; Cory and Michelle Elmer of Monroe; Cole and Darci Elmer of Bicknell; grandmother, Jane Elmer of Payson; 23 nieces and nephews; his parents-in-law: Kaye and Russell Hammond of Tooele.
The family would like to thank all the friends, family, hospice staff and the community, for their love, support and help during these past months of Clint’s valiant battle.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 12 Noon in the Monroe LDS Stake Center, 140 South Main Street in Monroe. Friends may call for viewing at the Springer Turner Funeral Home, 260 North 400 West, in Richfield, Tuesday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. or at the Stake Center in Monroe, Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 prior to the services.
Graveside services with military honors accorded by the 116th Engineer Company Spanish Fork Unit of the Utah National Guard, the 222 Richfield Unit of the Utah National Guard and the Utah National Guard Military Funeral Honors Team, will be in the Monroe City Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah.