I was hoping that the gardening would take away the Civil War excitement a little, but alas! Now I have TWO things to preoccupy my thoughts instead of one!

Our busy life with an amazing veterinarian and cattleman, a gardening, quilting and history loving wife and mother, a creative perfectionist violinist, a spunky and kind epileptic princess, a sweet yet wild little man, and the most mellow and happy babe, on a joyful 1/2 acre living and loving in a beautiful mountain valley.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
the days are getting longer
I was hoping that the gardening would take away the Civil War excitement a little, but alas! Now I have TWO things to preoccupy my thoughts instead of one!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is a famous and influential novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë. It was published in London, England in 1847 by Smith, Elder & Co. with the title Jane Eyre. An Autobiography under the pen name "Currer Bell". Harper & Brothers of New York came out with the American edition in 1848. It begins, "There was no possibility of taking a walk that day."

I enjoy Jane Austen's books that have been made into movies, but I have not read any of them, just watched them. I enjoy them, but some of it seems so wacko to me, like the mother in Pride and Prejudice! Anyway, if you like Victorian Era movies, but can't handle the silliness of Austen, you should try Jane Eyre. I think you will like it. Plus, when he smiles, it makes my heart pitter patter!
Monday, January 25, 2010
trying to finish a few projects
Another note of accomplishment is Kelsey and her quilt. She started this quilt in the summer, thanks to Maurice (she gave her most of the fabric) and Kami (who's pattern we used). I meant to have Kelsey finish sewing the top together during the Christmas break, but it just flew by too fast!
The girls did not have school today, so Kelsey sewed for an hour or so and finished piecing her strips together. It is coming together and it is going to be darling. She still needs to add the borders, but that will have to wait awhile. Kelsey is my seven year old little perfectionist. You should have heard her making a fuss about one corner seam that didn't turn out perfect! I wonder where she gets that? Honestly, I am mellowing out after child number 3 and she is getting worse!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
another example
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Robert E Lee

He is best known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War.
In early 1861, President Abraham Lincoln invited Lee to take command of the entire Union Army. Lee declined because his home state of Virginia was seceding from the Union, despite Lee's wishes. When Virginia seceded from the Union in April 1861, Lee chose to follow his home state.
Lee's greatest victories were the Seven Days Battles, the Second Battle of Bull Run, the Battle of Fredericksburg, the Battle of Chancellorsville, and the Battle of Cold Harbor but both of his campaigns to invade the North ended in failure. Barely escaping defeat at the Battle of Antietam in 1862, Lee was forced to return to the South.
In the final months of the Civil War, as manpower reserves drained away, Lee adopted a plan to arm slaves to fight on behalf of the Confederacy, but this came too late to change the outcome of the war. After Appomattox Lee encouraged reconciliation between the North and the South.
After the war, as a college President, Lee supported President Andrew Johnson's program of Reconstruction and inter-sectional friendship. Lee became the great Southern hero of the war, and his popularity grew in the North as well after his death in 1870. He remains an iconic figure of American military leadership.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
my wool sweater bag
I washed it in hot water and dried it on the heat setting TWICE and this is what came out of the dryer. It's okay, I meant to do that.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
caught red handed
Matt has been doing so well with all the meat, so I didn't want him to know that I was having trouble swallowing all of that protein and having NO CARBS! I am a cracker, pasta, bread kind of girl, just so you all know. Anyway, I didn't want Matt to know that I was going to go BERZERK, so last night I waited until EVERYONE was in bed and asleep. I snuck downstairs to the food storage and got a bag of Chips Ahoy cookies. (by the way, those are on sale this week at Smiths for a dollar) I then went to the fridge and got out the SKIM milk jug. I went to my bed (Matt had crashed with Kelsey), got my good book and started reading and eating and drinking. I had enjoyed myself a few good handfuls and a few nice swigs right from the jug and thought I had better put it all away. Right then, who walks in our room and finds me sitting on the bed with a jug of milk in my lap, my hand in a bag of cookies, and a good book layed out before me? Matty. The smile on his face made me blush. I love that man.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Izzie's piece of love
I had a sweet little niece born in December and I meant to get this done in time, but it didn't happen. So here is the pieced quilt top. I will have to go find something delightfully fuzzy for the back and get this baby quilted and on its way to Baby Izzie!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Christmas Projects
I did plan on making most of the Christmas gifts I gave away this year, but a funny thing happened in October. The Civil War. Who would have thought that a huge event that occurred 150 years ago would take over my life! I have ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War, 90 years previous, but no direct ancestor to the War Between the States. Either way, it has consumed me. So with that said, I am passing the blame elsewhere. My intended homemade Christmas gifts were shoved very violently to the back burner to make room for 1860s dresses. This is one I made below.

This habit will continue though! I got the cutest pattern to make the girls dresses and I am going to try the pattern out on Kelsey's baptism dress. It will be truly wonderful hopefully! My sweet little Kelsey turns 8 soon and it is killing me to have her grow up! She is such a super sweet little girl. I pray every night that she will stay that way!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
i love these girls
Debbie, my awesome neighbor, came over one day and helped the girls make skirts. It is the cutest pattern and pretty simple. Kelsey of course loves to sew and loved the idea of making her own skirt. April was a great little seamstress also and they finished in just a few hours. Thanks Debbie, for such a great experience with the girls!