Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Matty

I have been on a blogging hiatus because I have been a little preoccupied. This is my husband Matt. These pictures were taken last week. He is home now, but he spent 11 days in the hospital, mostly the ICU. Long story, but a bull he was testing for trichomoniasis (an STD in cattle, he is a veterinarian) did not like him. When the bull was released from the squeeze shoot, he turned on Matt and banged him up against the fence a bunch. When the guys finally got the bull away from him, he had 11 broken ribs, a broken sternum, a separated shoulder, and a messed up lung and heart.

Matt ended up being sedated unconscious, intubated, and on a ventilator to breathe for him for a few days when they put a chest tube in to drain the fluid in his lung cavity. They had to do this because he stopped breathing when they put in the chest tube. It was a bad, ugly deal, but he is home now. He has a whole lot of healing to do and is doing great at keeping his pain under control. We are happy to still have the old boy around! We have had so much love and support from family and friends and we are so grateful to have such great people in our lives. Hopefully things will be back to semi-normal soon.


Michael and Cassie said...

These pictures are heartbreaking!! I'm glad he's ok and is home now!!!

Amy said...

Oh Dear Rachel! And poor poor Matt! I know someone who raises cattle and those bulls can be something else. I'll be praying for you guys!


TORI said...

Poor Matty! I think it is harder to see him like that now even though I saw him in real life like that. I guess since we know he will be ok-- then the emotions can kick in rather than the toughness that we try to have when in the height of it all!

Krista said...

So scary! Glad he is home. Wishing for a speedy recovery!

Adree said...

OH MY GOODNESS. That is so scary. I am so glad that he is ok (I guess he's somewhat ok). We will kept him in our prayers. That healing thing can be rough expecially on you :)

LeEllen said...

Rick and I send our love and prayers to you both!

Talbots said...

I thought I could read this without crying...I failed. He is one tough man!


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