Our busy life with an amazing veterinarian and cattleman, a gardening, quilting and history loving wife and mother, a creative perfectionist violinist, a spunky and kind epileptic princess, a sweet yet wild little man, and the most mellow and happy babe, on a joyful 1/2 acre living and loving in a beautiful mountain valley.
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Richard Espinoza makes me giggle
Sunday, November 15, 2009
the good ol days
Thursday, November 12, 2009
the curtain evolution
So here is picture evidence of curtain to dress evolution:
Finishing the waistband.
So I left the hem in the bottom of the curtain, so it could be the hem at the bottom of my dress. But unfortunately, all the online sewing tips I followed made me make my skirt too long! So I had to add a 'bum roll' to see if that would help. This is the first of the bum rolls. It was WAY too big. I put in on and got the giggles so badly I fell on the bed laughing. I looked just like one of Cinderella's evil stepsisters. When I asked Matt what I looked like he said "Cinderella's nasty stepmom" before he even knew what I was thinking.
But you notice how I compared myself to the sisters, YOUNGER. He compared me to the mother, much OLDER! Dang him!
By the way, this picture makes me realize how badly I need a corset!
So for parade day I made a much smaller bum roll and it worked out okay. The skirt is still a little too long, we will see what I need to do now.
Next project - a lighter day dress. I am pretty stoked about this. I just have the find the right fabric - 8 1/2 yards of it!
Monday, November 09, 2009
stinking cute baby shoes
I sewed them up while Emmitt was napping today. Here they are on - he loves them. Well, I don't think he could care less. I love them! How nice to keep his little feet warm this winter. The boy eats his socks and won't leave them on!
Here is the link if you are interested. The directions seem a little intimidating, but they are not so bad. If you want to make some and want to know my tips, let me know.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Veteran's Day Parade
My friend Amanda and I joined the Utah Civil War Association and this was our first activity with them. We were super nervous, but it turned out to be such a fun, great day. She and I have been preparing and ignoring everything else in our worlds to get ready. This is the group of guys we hooked up with at the parade. They were very nice and super friendly. I am not sure if they realize what they are getting themselves into by letting us join, but it is too late now!
Amanda has some haversacks that we filled with tootsie rolls to throw out. We realized VERY quickly that we were the ONLY ones in the entire parade that were throwing candy. It might have been against the rules, I am not sure. But I threw some to the guy with the microphone that was announcing all the parade entries and he didn't cuff me and drag us off. Actually he said " . . . and here are the Civil War soldiers. Oh, and look, the ladies are throwing hardtack tootsie rolls. The war between the states was an important . . . "

My mom took these pictures. She and my dad came up for the weekend. They stayed with us Friday night, took care of my kids on Saturday (parade day), bought us a delicious Ogden lunch, and then went to stay with Tori Saturday night. They were wonderful. I am not sure what I would have done without them. Matt had to work in Roy on Saturday and then in Heber City preg checking cows for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Thanks so much mom and dad!!

Amanda's family also came to watch the parade and play the day away in Ogden. It was so fun to see them. When we were tossing candy, we made sure to keep a reserve for our very own little ones. After we saw them, the candy disappeared in a matter of seconds!

I didn't get to see the parade, obviously, but it looked like a good one from where we were. My brother would have LOVED the bagpipers! I really liked seeing the spectators with signs they had made that said "Thank you Veterans" or "Thanks for my Freedom." I am a patriot at heart and it made me happy to see grateful Americans at the parade cheering on our way of life.

I left my house Saturday morning around 8:30. I left all my kids with my parents, who came down to Ogden an hour or so later. I met up with them again around noon. My sweet little Emmitt and I have never been apart that long before because I am his main source of nourishment. He was getting VERY hungry and was so happy to see me again! Thanks again Mom and Dad for a super fun day. Thanks Amanda for having such a good time with me - getting dressed in the parking lot and all!
We are going to have a super fun time doing this. I hope everyone knows that this is open for everyone. The folks are so layed back and just want to have a good time. If you are interested in joining the party, you should. Check out the link http://www.utcwa.org/
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
how very cooll
Check it out!
Monday, November 02, 2009
did you know?
There were 72,000 horses and mules that 'fought' in the battle of Gettysburg. By fought I mean they were there. Either as a cavalry unit, pulling cannons, pulling ambulances, etc. At the end of the Gettysburg battle, 5000 of them lay dead on the field. WOW.