Monday, January 25, 2010

trying to finish a few projects

Almost 3 years ago my mother in law and I were in Robert Duncan's Studio in Midway, UT. We were just browsing and commenting on the all the gorgeous artwork and I saw a painting that for some reason made me tear up a little. My mother in law noticed and bought it for me. It has been sitting behind the computer room door for 33 months waiting to be framed and hung.
Well, this year Matt finally got it framed for me and gave it to me for Christmas. I love it. We hung it up a few weeks ago. It makes me happy to look at it and just makes me smile. Check out Robert Duncan's work at You will love it all too.

Another note of accomplishment is Kelsey and her quilt. She started this quilt in the summer, thanks to Maurice (she gave her most of the fabric) and Kami (who's pattern we used). I meant to have Kelsey finish sewing the top together during the Christmas break, but it just flew by too fast!

The girls did not have school today, so Kelsey sewed for an hour or so and finished piecing her strips together. It is coming together and it is going to be darling. She still needs to add the borders, but that will have to wait awhile. Kelsey is my seven year old little perfectionist. You should have heard her making a fuss about one corner seam that didn't turn out perfect! I wonder where she gets that? Honestly, I am mellowing out after child number 3 and she is getting worse!


Cherlelynn Bednar said...

I love her quilt. It is beautiful! What talent she has!!!

mom said...

The pic is really, really nice, glad he had it framed for you.
And Kelsey's quilt is darling,,I love the colors, and its looks like she has done a fantastic job, way to go, Kelsey!

Tori said...

Kelsey amazes me! I think she is 7 going on 17, but not in an attitude sort of way--in a mature sort of way!

thelarsenfamilyexpeditions said...

Way to go Kelsey, you will be a better quilter than all of us one day.


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