I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree. Spring has brought me such a nice surprise, popcorn popping right before my eyes. I could take an armful and make a treat, a popcorn ball that would smell so sweet. It wasn't really so, but it seemed to me, POPCORN POPPING ON THE APRICOT TREE.

For part of our spring break out of school, we went down to Capitol Reef National Park and played around for a day. It was just me, the kids, and my mom. We went on a little hike and when we were climbing back down the last hill, the site took my breath away. It is the picture above. You could see the apricot orchards in full bloom against the red rock and it was so pretty. Just seeing the beauty in the harsh desert environment made me smile. Wow, what the early settlers did in this little piece of desert is amazing - and some of those early pioneers where my mom's grandparents.

This is my mom and the kids sitting on a bridge near one of the apricot orchards. I was expecting a super warm day, but it stayed overcast and a bit chilly sometimes. It was a great day though. I always love going down to The Park and so do my kids.

I loved these pictures of
Emmitt in one of the orchards. He had to ride on my shoulders most of the time so he was so happy to be able to get down and walk by himself. The furrows kept taking his balance away and so he crawled too!

Kelsey has been down to this exact orchard with my dad and I picking apricots. I think it was good for her to see the orchard this way; in the spring with the green lush grass and the beautiful blossoms. Kelsey and Kendal picked a few blossoms to smell and when I told them that for every flower they pick now, that means less apricots in the summer, they realized what I meant and then only wanted one blossom for their hair!