Saturday, December 22, 2012

Kendal with a camera

 Kendal had my camera the other day.  I just deleted 39 pictures off of it thanks to that sweet gal.  Here are a few from my 7 year old's eyes!

 Kendal got this cute little hat at school on the last day before the break.  She thought is was the cutest thing and wanted to take a picture of Kenna wearing it - that is what started the camera escapade!

 I was whipping up a batch of cornbread for dinner to go with our spaghetti.  When I was in school and ate school lunch, we always had cornbread with the spaghetti.  My Grandma Elaine was a lunch lady at all three schools I attended.  I just got to thinking about that - I wonder if she moved from the elementary school, to the middle school, to the high school with me and my cousin Amber on purpose or not!  Anyway, she is an excellent cook and whenever we eat spaghetti and cornbread I think of her.  

 Kendal showing off her sweet camera skills on Kenna and a few decorations.  
Love that 7 year old of mine!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Kendal did a great job, I can see a camera and photo album, and fair entries in her future!


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