Our busy life with an amazing veterinarian and cattleman, a gardening, quilting and history loving wife and mother, a creative perfectionist violinist, a spunky and kind epileptic princess, a sweet yet wild little man, and the most mellow and happy babe, on a joyful 1/2 acre living and loving in a beautiful mountain valley.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Kelsey has gone through the entire book and has shown me the 27 dolls she would like, but she has narrowed herself down to this one, Julie the hippie. The AMERICAN GIRL dolls are super cute and fun and they have historical dolls and fun books to learn about different time periods and how girls lived then. Julie happens to be from 1974. I think she picked this doll because of her long blond hair and the hat!
This is another one of the dolls Kelsey likes. Her name is Molly and her era is 1944, so she grew up during World War II. See, they are cute dolls and imagine what she would learn and how much more she would understand by reading Molly's books about growing up during the war, having rationed gasoline, searching for scrap metal on the roadside, Victory Gardens, etc. These dolls are truly a good thing, but why so much stinking money?!?!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
sharp edges
One of the gifts she gave Angie, Tori, and myself was a new razor, razor refills, and shave gel. Matt and Glen got the same gift, just the manly version. Wasn't that a great gift? Yes, it was. It was useful and thoughtful and original. I loved it. Well, I have great news for everyone concerning this gift. I used the very last cartridge yesterday! That is right, I inserted the 5th and final razor refill into my razor yesterday. I have 6 red slit marks on my legs to prove it.
Some of you may be sick by now. I truly do shave quite frequently (although in my Oregon-living years I can't say it was very often). Frequently for me means on Sunday morning in the winter and 3 times a week during the summer. So why then do you ask did it take me 12 or 13 years to use 6 razors? (there was one on the razor) Technically, the last blade isn't even used yet, I still have a good 2 years until that one is considered used. Well friends, I love a dull razor. Sharp, crisp, new razors scare me. Maybe it stems back to the days of 6th grade in the tub, shaving my legs when I wasn't supposed to be shaving my legs and watching in horror as a layer of my skin curled up into a nice little 3 1/2 inch long ringlet as I brought the very sharp razor up over my shin bone. Who knows? But I still like a nice dull razor. Maybe all I am doing with a 2 year old blade is breaking off the hair, but it shows no blood and it makes me feel better.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Happiness for Rachel
Saturday, October 18, 2008
4th of the 4th
Thursday, October 16, 2008
a little quiz
Keep in mind, I have still not read the 4th book. I don't want the story to end for me yet, so I have put off the fourth book for a little while. It is killing my sister and my mom that I haven't read it yet. Maybe when the snow flies - for real this time, and it sticks on the ground. That is when I will read it. If you take the quiz, you gotta tell me who you are. There is also the MALE version on the same link. I might give it to Matt and see if he really is my Jacob or if he is my Edward!. He might be the good doctor!

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
Not very sweet dreams
My entire adult life I have truly disliked kids when they lose their two front teeth. I think they are NOT cute, very far from it! I always felt sorry for my two sister in laws who teach elementary school and have to look at kids all day every day that are missing their two front teeth. I have been dreading the day that Kelsey had two front teeth missing since she started loosing teeth a year ago, knowing that she would become a child vampire, but, not now. She is so cute! And not only that, all the kids her age are suddenly cute with missing teeth, not repulsing!
Although I have to admit there is one horrible side effect to Kelsey's very cute vampire look. I have been having DREAMS! Dreams about people in my life, mostly from my past, that have Kelsey's teeth. When they saunter into my dream, they look like their normal selves, but then they start talking to me in my dream and they are missing their 2 front teeth! It is getting a little creepy. It has happened about 4 times in the past few weeks. What does this mean? I have finally come to the conclusion that first graders are cute with no teeth, but adult people I know? Yuck! I guess I hope those vampire teeth fill in soon, but for Halloween it is so CUTE!
Monday, October 13, 2008
One class I took was on Bargello quilts. I had to bring 10 to 20 fat quarters (1/4 yard) to cut up and sew back together. I chose blues, browns, and creams. It was a fun class, but of course I didn't get ANYWHERE near finished! I did get one 'loop' made and here it is.
These 2 pictures are quilts my teacher made, the pretty purplish one and the FIRE one! She was not happy about this picture, but thanks Jill Cox for letting me take it! She is the Utah Quilt Guild president this year and she was super nice.
The other class I took at Quiltfest was called 'Stars Across the Prairie.' I had a few more instructions on what fabric to buy for this one. Thanks Jen for going fabric shopping with me, you are a saint. I needed 28ish fabrics that depicted a landscape I wanted to portray. HA!
So, here is my amazing landscape fabrics. Can't you just see the landscape bursting through?!?! So I went from these strips to this - a prairie braid. I did get a little more finished in this class, probably about 2/3 of the way done.
I get to finish 5 more of these prairie braids with the same fabric order, sew them all together, piece in a few stars and then I will get -' Stars Across Thousand Lake' or maybe 'Stars Across Fishlake Mtn.' I haven't decided yet. It should look a little like the one below which is 'Stars Across the Desert.'
Sunday, October 12, 2008
There is one funny thing I just noticed on the back of the book. There are a bunch of quotes that say how good the book and the author is, la la la. By the way, Christopher Paolini, the author, is only like 22 or something like that, very young. Anyway, there is one quote that says "The new 'It' of children's lit." I laughed and laughed at that - children's lit. These books are aimed for the young adult crowd, but what CHILD is going to read a 763 page book? I have a child and she reads 16 page books and it about exhausts her! I can handle reading a 'young adult' book, but not a children's book that took me nearly a month!
Long forgotten sewing projects, here I come!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We are done!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Who is up for an I-Spy adventure?
We made these 8 inch square quilts for Enrichment last year and it was such a good time. My girls LOVE our I-Spy quilts. Just so you know, that is when Kendal was in her head bonking stage last summer. Her head hurt so badly from the seizures and the medications, she would just bang her head, until of course, I came and made her stop. Glad that chapter is over. She told me this morning when I gave her a bowl of oatmeal "Sank you mamma." I love my little girls!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Early Out
So on Monday, I decided that I would do something fun with my girls when Kelsey got home from school. We haven't been to the duck pond in Midway all summer, so we headed over there with a few rolls of saltine crackers. I was out of bread, I hope we don't give the ducks high blood pressure with all the salt!
Kelsey had already fed them one entire column of crackers, and we had eaten over 1/2 of the other one on the way over to Midway, so Kendal didn't get to throw very many crackers into the water. Kelsey made sure to break up the crackers for Kendal so they would last longer.
The girls loved playing with the ducks. Kendal was so cute, I am glad we woke her up so she wouldn't miss the fun. Kelsey is such a good big sister, sometimes. I have to add that because she can be a horribly mean big sister too.
We spent about an hour at the duck pond and we enjoyed the nice fall weather. I need to do more easy, fun things with my girls. Your suggestions are welcome!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Our first smudge
It was a nice lazy morning with a fire going while we watched General Conference with the neighbor's rabbit ears on our TV. Nothing like the good ol days! At noon we headed to Home Depot to buy a little poker stick set. I needed one of those!
Now I just need to get Matt to split a little more wood to hold us over for the next 6 months and all will be well in Heber City! He is down south for the weekend trying to find him a nice elk to kill. Doesn't that sound nice? I hope his bed is dry tonight in that tent of his!