Friday, April 13, 2012

Big as a House

This is me last week.  I just had a thought, "why do they make maternity shirts with horizontal stripes?"  That is actually kind of silly.  I am not sure why I am posting this picture of myself, since I feel as large as a house, or at least a condo or maybe even an apartment complex, but for the sake of documenting, here I am.  I am one of those ladies who thinks other pregnant ladies are just the cutest thing I have ever seen, but when I am pregnant, none of those 'cute' thoughts are even considered.  I look and feel like a beast, not a cute pregnant lady with a basketball in her shirt.

I think part of my problem with my pregnant self image is that my behind gets pregnant as well as my tummy.  Yeah, not so good.  One sweet friend of mine just said it was my body's way of balancing itself.  I guess so!  Either way, I must not feel too hideous because there is a gift straight from God in that body of mine.  How grateful I am to be able to be a mother in Zion and have such sweet children given to me to take care of and teach.  I have around 11 weeks until this little divine spirit arrives at our house and I must say I am super excited.

My sister asked me over the weekend what I was expecting this baby to be like.  There is no way to know, but I did say that I thought it would be great if she has darker hair and eyes like my Kelsey.  Kendal and Emmitt are my blondies, and it would be fun to even out with another brunette.  When I answered my sister in this way she said, "No, I meant her little personality.  You have such extreme personalities with your kids already, it just makes me wonder what this one will be like."  I had never even thought about this baby's personality or temperament.  Kind of funny.  Will she be a neat freak like my Kelsey or more of a 'structured slob' like my Kendal?  Will she be a lover and a snuggler like Emmitt, or will she prefer not to let me hold her like a baby when she no longer is one?  She is definitely the most well-mannered baby to carry, with only a few little pokes and strokes to my insides, but, I still have 11 weeks of her growing body to get cramped, and then have her retaliate with a sense of claustrophobia she may have inherited from her mother!


Tori said...

You look gorgeous in that picture... nad I am not lying! You really do! You have great hair too!
I remember that lovely shirt.... I actually felt kind of cute in the horizontal stripes--maybe it was the thought that I was producing an optical illusion that kept me entertained

Rachel said...

Optical illusion - I wish that is all I were! Hee hee hee!! Thanks for being sweet.


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