Spring is here and we had our first roast of the season. We had a fun family over the other day for a hot dog and marshmallow roast. We have been talking about getting together for 3 years, and if finally happened! The Sargeants are a fun fun family that Matt does vet work for, and has really enjoyed working with them.
Usually when we have get-togethers with the neighbors or with friends, Matt gets bored and heads in the house after awhile to read some Angus bull directory or something! This time, he and had someone to go look at bulls with! They share the same love of Angus cattle genetics, so that was good for the guys. They only disappeared for a little while. I went in the house to get the marshmallows and they were on the computer looking at Angus embryos and semen that were for sale!
The kids had a good time playing together. It took a minute for them to warm up to each other, but they had a great evening playing outside. Sarah and I of course had a great chat and enjoyed the evening as well.
After the dogs, fruit, and chips were enjoyed, the marshmallows and then smores were loved! It is funny how much kids like eating burnt marshmallows! Our neighbor Derek also joined us. He is always welcome at our house, and we all adore him. He just received his LDS mission call and will be headed to South Carolina this summer to serve a mission for our church. He has always made fun of my civil war hobby, but I told him he will come back home to Utah very appreciative and more knowledgeable of the American Civil War! I think that will be awesome!
One more thing I need to say is just that I love spring! This weather is wonderful. I wish it could be May all year long! It is great to see things start to green up and bloom around here. I have a 'good season' judging technique I want to share: When I wake up at 6:15 to make Matt's lunch, if I have to turn on the kitchen light to accomplish the task, then it is winter. If I don't have to turn on the light, then it must be spring and summer and a wonderfully warm season! I haven't had to turn on the light at all this week in the mornings! YIPPEE! It's here! Lame way to judge the seasons, but it is what I do!

Sounds like fun! I love this time of year! Roasted marshmallows and smores are my absolute favorite!
That's how I can tell that summer's coming as well! Love it!
Its a great way to judge the seasons. I love it.
You are the only person I know who can talk about bull semen, lds missions and the civil war in one post.
hee hee hee
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