

Our busy life with an amazing veterinarian and cattleman, a gardening, quilting and history loving wife and mother, a creative perfectionist violinist, a spunky and kind epileptic princess, a sweet yet wild little man, and the most mellow and happy babe, on a joyful 1/2 acre living and loving in a beautiful mountain valley.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thank You UDOT!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Only a few days left!
What I would love you to do is go visit her website. Her site counts how many referrals my blog gives her, so go check it out. You don't have to purchase anything, but you may be tempted! Anyway, see for yourself - www.piecenquilt.com
Thanks folks! And wish me happy quilting! I am going to a quilting retreat next week - HOORAY!
It is BBQ Season!
My parents gave us a new BBQ for Christmas. Matt put it together about a month ago and it has been wonderful. I love cooking outside, especially in the summer so I don't have to heat up my house. Thank you Tori and Jared for the first one, I am not being ungrateful, but I am excited about our new one. Tori and Jared gave the first one to us a few years ago when they were having a yard sale. Tori knew at the time we were using one of those little tiny ones that you hook up to a small green can of gas that most people take camping, not BBQ hamburgers on at home! So thanks Tori & Jared, and thanks parents!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tough Girl, Smiley Boy, and No More Sweaty Neck!
Now on to Emmitt. Matt took the girls south today and they played wild at the ranch all day catching lizards. They had a great time. So did Emmitt and I. I got to sew a little, I mowed the lawn, I pulled weeds, I did some MAJOR laundry, I cleaned the kitchen really well, and I loved on my little man. I was also able to capture his sweet little smile that I have been getting for a few weeks now. It melts my heart. Here you all go, you can see it now too.
Here is Kelsey's BEFORE picture. She got her hair cut the other day. Kendal got hers cut on her birthday, and Kelsey got hers cut the next day. She has been begging me to get it cut for about a year now and I finally relented. Just so you know, I did not tell her that BEFORE pictures are supposed to look miserable, she must have just known that you are not supposed to smile.
Here is the after picture. She loves her new hair cut so much. Her dad, who happens to be heartbroken with the new do, asked her why she wanted it cut. Here are her reasons:
1 - I get a sweaty neck when I sleep dad.
2 - I get so cold when I get out of the tub with wet hair and it lays on my back.
3 - Emmitt is going to be old enough to pull it soon, so I better cut it off.
4 - She will never admit this one, but I know it is true - she thinks she won't have to do her hair anymore, or I mean, have it done anymore if it is short - WRONG!
Either way, she loves it and it will be a great change for the summer.
There is our update. Oh yeah, Matt is running wild and crazy and SUPER busy being a vet - 'stamping out disease and saving lives.' Something like that anyway. Me, I am busy feeding a baby, keeping the yard watered, trying to sew and quilt when I can, and looking forward to a wonderful summer when the girls get out of school. Only 4 more days!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
My Princesses
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Summer is here I think, I hope
After Sacrament Meeting we all came to my house for a little chicken cordon bleu sandwich in the sun. It turned out okay I think. I was too busy barking orders to my sister in laws, mom, and friends to notice. Thanks ladies by the way!
The kids had a super time. They kept the Sabbath Day holy by running through the sprinkler, jumping on the tramp, and playing in the sandbox in swim suits, underwear, or nothing at all. It was a warm warm May day and I knew they would want to play in the water - heck I did! I told Kelsey to run inside and get our drawer of swim suits. I figured we had enough to outfit all the girls. Kelsey took the suits onto the front lawn and the girls were throwing clothes off faster than a cheetah after some lunch! It was precisely 2:08 in the afternoon and our ward happens to get out of church at 2:00, so many folks got a nice little naked girl show on the front lawn as they drove home!
The kids and I spent a little time on the deck after dinner tonight. It was fabulous - the deck and dinner. I bought some corn on the cob with expectations of it not being so good because it is so early for good corn, but we were pleasantly surprised. It was so good! We all wanted more! Maybe it tasted good because it was the first corn on the cob we have had this year, but either way it was great. Kelsey lost her 8th tooth last night and she was so excited to eat corn on the cob. She couldn't eat it very well last year with all her loose or missing front teeth.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I can't resist
Notice the no diaper bum. I told her we ran out of diapers today. She has peed her pants 3 times already. I wonder when I will get the really good present!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
My sweet and fashionable Kendal
We went to King's yesterday where she picked out a great toy that I was going to use as bribery. She picked out a Belle cell phone. When we got it home I prepared myself for the meltdown that would occur when I told her she couldn't open it until she used the toilet. It happened once, twice, and a handful of times again, but she understands the concept. She still doesn't want the cell phone bad enough to use the toilet - YET!
Today I was getting ready to change Emmitt's diaper. She wanted to help. I told her she couldn't help change the baby's diapers until she was wearing panties and not diapers anymore. She ran in her room, put on some panties and came back out to help change Emmitt's diaper. Here is what she looked like. Cracked me up!
Big Dummies
One more thing. I went to pick Kendal up from school the other day and Emmitt was in the car with his face covered a little with his blanket. When Kendal got in the car, I uncovered his face and Kendal said "Oh mom, he is dis so tute!" I said, "yes he is super cute" and then she said about 4 more times on the way home (a 5 block area) "He is so tute!" She loves that little brother of hers!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I won a hundred dollars!
Here are a few of the other challenge quilts. It was VERY interesting to see what everyone else came up, since we all had the same fabric and the same rules. The quilt to the left of ours won first place, even though it is WELL beyond the 140" rule. Dang them! Oh well, it was super fun staying up late with crazy quilting ladies working on a project.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Jen's Hot Fudge Sauce
Jen, here is my poem to you:
I miss you more than chocolate chips,
your absence is dangerous to my hips.
Please come back and visit soon,
or I may take a bite of the (chocolate) moon.
Mrs. Durfey, eat your heart out! I knew I was a poet!
Friday, May 08, 2009
Cheap Thrills
Who would have thought that a tarp could keep 3 girls busy for over an hour on a windy afternoon?
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
My Moods
Since it seems I am in a bitter mood, I will give you some more orneriness. We got a little flyer in the mail that said something like this the other day - 'Transfer a prescription to Walgreens pharmacy and receive a $25 gift certificate.' I usually don't think too much about these kind of things, but I did this time. When I did our taxes for this past year I realized how much stinking money we spend on health care and medical expenses. So I went to Walgreens pharmacy yesterday and asked about how much Kendal's prescription would be there. If I can get it cheaper than what I am now, I am all for it.
So the lady looked it up for me. For 6 weeks worth, that is what I get now, her medicine that she takes night and morning to keep the seizures away would cost me $743.00 at Walgreens. The generic, which we have strict orders not to do, is $566.00 there. Right now I shop at Smiths pharmacy. Their 6 weeks worth is $598.00. Isn't it all a bit ridiculous? Does her medicine REALLY cost that much to produce? Gimme a break! Anyway, before you all start feeling sorry for me I have to tell you that we do have insurance, as crappy as it is, and after we meet our pharmacy deductible (which isn't hard with Kendal!) we pay around $130 for her medicine.
Okay, now my REAL mood. It has been a wonderful day. I have been able to sew for a little while and do some yardwork. The dirt pile is gone! And, if that was not enough, I am so in love with my little boy. He is so sweet, he just melts my heart when I look at him.
A disclaimer about the pictures though - I am not nursing him in this one and I would like to say that the bulge under Emmitt is just my shirt but that is not the truth. I bought skim milk yesterday instead of my usual 1%. Now the pounds will MELT right off! And the picture above . . . I see the crows feet eating up my face. It bites to get older! I have to post these pictures of me and my little man though, because there won't be a truly acceptable picture of myself with him for about another 6 months. But like I said, "Unconditionally."
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Hay and Water
Well, he didn't really want to wake up so I took advantage of that and played on the Internet and did a few other things that just needed to be done. At 10:00 I got him out of the swing, tried to tell him that he should be hungry, and put him in his bassinet. Now normally when I put him in the bassinet, he wakes up immediately and protests. I was counting on this reaction, but it didn't happen.
So I turned off the light, crawled in bed, and decided he would let me know when he was finally hungry. I figured that would be around midnight or 1. Well, at 2:00 I awoke feeling very 'full' and decided to see if he was still alive. Yes, he was and he was having wonderful dreams, so I let him be. At 6:30 I finally woke up the little lazy bones and told him he was hungry, plus I was truly worried about his diaper that had not been changed since before 7:00 the previous day!
I laid him on my bed and while he did his 'wake up stretching and grunting' I opened up that diaper expecting a disaster, nope. Just very soggy. So I decided to put a fresh one on so the poop would have somewhere to go when it happened while I fed him. Just as I was lifting his little bottom up to slide the new diapers under him, he tooted at me. 2 harmless little toots. But then it happened and I was not fast enough. He shot poop all over me! I had on a white ankle length night gown and there was a HUGE splash of poop about waist high and then it started to run down the night gown in little poop rivulets.
Matt was getting in the shower and I yelled at him to come and help me. He saw my night gown and let out a burst of laughter, until he saw the carpet, the wall, the bassinet behind me, and the bedskirt. Well, actually, I don't think he noticed the bedskirt. Then, the veterinarian that comes home at least twice a week with cow crap all over him says "Sick, that is just sick. What do you want me to do? I can't touch that poop." I said to him what he tells me when I freak out about cow crap all over the place - "It's hay and water honey, hay and water, that's all. Oh wait, it is JUST MY MILK!! Get me a rag please!"
Well, the poop is cleaned up and he finally ate. I get to wash sheets and a bedskirt later today, and break out the good carpet spot cleaner! I guess I had it coming. I have been telling everyone that he has only peed while changing his diapers 2 or 3 times.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Ask and ye shall receive
Stephenie only got 264 pages of it written before it was all over the Internet without her permission. It is wonderful for Edward fans to read the sappy sappy heartbroken vampire's story to it all and I am sad it will never become a real book. For those of you that have not read it, do it. Here is the official website. I really wanted to print it off so I could read it whenever I wanted, but I couldn't figure it out. That whole copyright thing! Anyway, you can save it in your Documents file or just keep logging on to read it. http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/ Click on the Twilight Series Tab and then on Midnight Sun.
What else have I been doing? YARDWORK!! Everyone say it with me, YARDWORK!! Spring is here. It has not snowed for a good 5 days or so, so it must be spring!!
These pictures are from yesterday. I was very hesitant to even post this picture of Kendal with her Pepsi, but she was so stinking cute I just had to. Matt and I have an on-going and ever-going disagreement on pop. For all of you city folks, that is another word for your 'soda.' (I have a problem with a few words in our English vocabulary and SODA just happens to be one of them.) Anyway, Matt loves his Pepsi and his Mountain Dew and I clearly and absolutely despise them all. Kendal found this lone Pepsi in the back of Matt's truck yesterday when we were shoveling dirt and had to have it. I can't believe I relented and opened it for her, but I did.
These pics are from today. Emmitt was so good and asleep in the house for about an hour and then he wanted no more of that! I brought him outside with us and he was super content. This was his first yardworking experience and it was a good one! How can you beat an overcast spring day, being outside, mom's voice within range, and sister reading DORA to you?
One more thing. This beauty was parked outside our house for the night and part of the day a few days ago. It is HUGE! Matt's vet school buddy Ellis stopped by on this way from the racetracks in Arizona for the winter to playing with horses in Montana for the summer. Ellis and his also-vet wife Mandi are in Ogden with that HUGE truck and trailer at some national cutting horse event for 10 days. It was a short visit, but a nice one. Ellis is a great old friend from the Oregon and Washington days.