Okay father, it has been about 10 days since my last confession . . . .
The obsession rages on!This picture was taken on Oct 15
th when my friend Amanda and I dressed up and went to visit an older lady in the neighborhood that LOVES
Gone with the Wind. Her name is Elaine and she was 5 years old when the movie was made. It was such a crack up to see the look on her face when she opened the door - AWESOME! We chatted for awhile and then Amanda played some Civil War era songs on her hammer dulcimer for us. It was
gorgeous music. Elaine loved our visit and I think she appreciated us silly 'girls' spicing up her afternoon.

Now, what else have I been up to this past 10 days? Sewing 1860s clothing and spending way too much time online looking things up! I bought and made a 'drawers and chemise' pattern and made myself some authentic 1860s underwear. Did you know that the crotch is split almost the entire way around?!?!? Seriously, from the front to the rear waistband there is only 4 inches of sewn up seam. The rest is open. Why you ask? Because when a proper lady had on a corset that went over her underwear, she didn't want to scrape through her dress, petticoats, undo that blasted corset just to drop her drawers in the bathroom. She simply (I say simply because I have not yet tried it) lifted all of her skirts and used that nice open crotch to do her business. Not a trap door, but a completely open deal.
I have also made a few petticoats, a few half length capes for the cold, and I am currently working on a skirt. Boy, it seems like I have been busier than that, but that is what it amounts to. I will post some pictures soon. I
received a patten in the mail today. This one:

Yeah, I am going to make this pretty 1860s day dress. I think it is fabulous. Oh, did I mention that I am joining the army?? Yeah, I am, sorta. I am joining the Utah Civil War Association. Pretty cool huh? My first journey back in time will be for the Veteran's Day parade in Ogden on November 7
th. I tell everyone that this is my 'mustering in' day. The association was asked to march in the parade to honor all past war veterans. I get to march too. I am pretty excited. That is why I am sewing like crazy - so I will have something to wear for the parade!
The Utah Civil War Association has a website and also a fun fun blog with great pictures. Check them out.
http://www.utcwa.org/ and
http://www.utcwa.blogspot.com/Okay, what else have we been up to in
Heber City? Let's see.
Emmitt just hit 7 months old and the little lad is walking all along the couch and has no fear to turn around and let go. He is killing me! My baby does not want to be a baby! We love him to pieces. Actually, the other day Kendal had a blanket over her head like a wedding veil, walked up to him and said in a little sweet voice "Wanna
det mawwied Emmitt?" Translation - Want to get married
Matt has been busy with all the fall herd work the ranchers and cowmen need to get done. His days off are not really days off. We are not complaining, he loves it. Kelsey is busy with school and boy has the homework finally hit. Her spelling words last week were step, steep, weed, speed,
etc. This week they are determination, combination, explore, organize, etc. What the heck? She is in SECOND GRADE!

Oh yeah, what do you think of my new hair do?