This is Matt and Heather right after his mission. I am not sure what dance it was, but they look nice. Heather was younger than Matt, so maybe it was her Senior Ball or something. I figure this picture was taken around the time I met him at Snow College.
Actually, now that I look at the picture, it has the clock tower thingy from Snow in the background. So this was taken when they were both at Snow College but Matt was secretly in love with the girl from his Biology and Chemistry class, ME!
I must thank everyone for posting their high school pictures at my request, it has been so fun. Joe, still wanna see those baseball pictures! Krista, Tori, Heather, Jen, Amanda, you rule! I love you guys.
I have to share one more thing, an email I got from one of my best friends, Camille yesterday. Sorry Camille, but since you don't comment, I had to cut and paste some of your email.
Rachel, Holy Crap!!!! Am I laughing my head off right now or what? Brad and I have been watching your blog every day this week to see all the crazy things from high school. What a complete, huge flood of memories it is bringing back. I totally love it. I mean, those pictures of us "Lyman Girls (+Rachelle)" with our bunny shirts and sun glasses. What a crack up! And the prom - the key, the garter, all that jazz, the hoop skirts and our families coming to watch us. That's gotta sound weird so the city folk! Don't you think. Just seeing all the dance pictures and reading all your comments I am just busting a gut. I can't believe you are as funny today as you were all growing up. You are such a great friend! When I saw the picture of you washing your Monte Carlo, I noticed you had on shorts and I saw your porch in the background. Remember when we had the great idea to practice basketball early in the mornings at the church? Well I remember one day you tripped up or down those stairs and got a killer of a bump/scrape/welt/bruise/bleeding injury one morning. Oh, all the memories. You know what the coolest thing is though, is to see all the high school pictures, the dances, boyfriends, sports, activities and to think of how we all viewed life back then, and then to look over to the left side where you have the cutest pictures of your family and your life now! It's just amazing how life goes by and what happens. Thanks for sharing your fun life with us on the blog. Love, Camille
You made my week!
Matt, wow you were amazing. I am so impressed with your high school history. I love the short shorts, the saddle and the smile. What a guy, now I know how you got Rachel, you are both so smart and so good together that Heather chick was all wrong for you, she didn't have the cute bows. Love the cute post Rachel good job... Good job Mom Crane for keeping all of these wonderful memories.
RACHEL...what a stud! After seeing these younger photo's he looks even more like my HS boyfriend Matt Larsen. Tell him not to worry though, my Matt turned out to be a serious loser and cheater:) NO comparison there!
Brother Crane was so outgoing, talented, and a ladies man! I don't think I have ever seen him smile so much except in these pictures, it looks very nice:) I think I see Kelsey in the little Buckaroo rodeo this next year. Tell Matt he has impressed us all, and I now worship the ground that Stud walks on, LOL!
Wow, I've never noticed waht a handsome Matt you have. That smile is so darn cute. I can now see how much Kelsey looks like her Dad! You got one of those rare LDS cowboys, I can tell, cause so did I!
I remember Kim having a picture with Mike with that backdrop of the clock tower, so it must have been our first year of Snow. Was Matt there then?
It has been a lot of fun seeing all the pictures. Thanks for coming up with such a fun idea. Next we should do some college pics. I have some pretty good ones :)
Yeah...I know, MY Brothers a stud.
Aren't you glad you ended up with the stud from Salina--not in a duplex in Orem? Love ya!
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