We haven't been to a concert in the park yet this year, and Kendal was so sick last year I don't think we went at all last summer. But the year before, we went alot, Kelsey would dance, Kendal would run around, and we would eat cotton candy. We got cotton candy last night and I think this was Kendal's maiden voyage on the cotton candy ship. When I handed it to her, she took it and rubbed it on her neck and face like she would a little stuffed bear or puppy. It was so cute. Grandma Ellen and aunt Laura were laughing so hard. Then she finally stuck some in her mouth. She was not impressed, but sister was eating like a little piggy, so she did too.
It was a beautiful evening and the music was okay too. A little too jazzy and reggae for me, but it is all about the atmosphere, not the music. There was a lady that danced all night right in front of the band, like 5 feet away from the lead singer. She had some nice moves, but the sparkly scarf was killing aunt Laura. She had the giggles so bad. I kept telling Laura that I would go borrow the scarf so Laura could dance in front of everyone. She said there was no way EVER that she would do that, even with a sparkly scarf!
Matt joined us after work and we had a super time. AHHH - this picture captures aunt Laura discreetly plugging her ear! Thanks for coming up Ellen and Laura!
You just have to love that picture of Aunt Laura. It is a good thing I wasn't there I would have been front and Center with my own "jazzy" scarf and danced my little heart out! Well as much as one can dance without opening "old" scars!
I love concerts in the park. I agree completely that it doesn't matter what the music is, it's all about the atmosphere. I love Kendal's reaction to the cotton candy. Things from a child's perspective are so great!
Oh, and in answer to my post about the concert in the park, Rob plays the trombone and the tuba.
We haven't been to one of those yet. Maybe we'll have to be adventurous and try it some time.
I spot Vicki setting behind you guys-- Hi Vicki!
Sounds like a lot of fun! My kids don't like cotton candy either. But thats ok, more for me! I love it.
She's plugging her bad ear... Maybe. I love that you will go to that kind of stuff and just hang out! Good Memories.
Did Matt have any interest in dacing with the sparkly scarf lady? Maybe he could have borrowed it...
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