Tuesday, January 06, 2009


So tonight for dinner we had an experiment. My family is sort of used to this. We had tacos. That is one of our family's favorite meals, especially Matt's. But tonight, I cracked open the HUGE can of Taco Flavored TVP. Yes, that is textured soy protein, there is NO, I repeat NO meat in it. I first learned about TVP when we lived in Oregon. Alot of my vegetarian friends and other eco-friendly pals ate it alot. I saw it at the grocery store, but I just could not bring myself to buy or try any.

Well, with the my whole food storage kick I bought some Taco TVP. They say that is what Taco Time and Taco Bell use. I believe them now. I wasn't sure how much to prepare tonight, and since Matt LOVES tacos, I scooped up 2 cups of dry round crunchy brown stuff, apparently soy protein, and added it to 4 cups of warm water. I was a little suspicious by the looks of things, but let it set for about 10 minutes and it was looking much better. The instructions say you can brown it (it is already brown) in a skillet like you would ground beef so that is what I did. It didn't turn out too bad and it looked JUST LIKE Taco Time and Taco Bells ground beef that always made you wonder if it was real meat- it's not.

The girls liked it and even ate quite a bit of it. I liked it okay. There really wasn't alot of taste to it. Now I know why they give you hot sauce and taco bell sauce and salsa and taco time sauce and anything else to flavor up that beef taco you ordered. Matt still isn't home yet so we will see what he has to say about it. There are only about 6 cups of it left (no joke) in the fridge for him.
It was a good experience but I think next time I will add 1/2 REAL ground beef and 1/2 taco flavored tvp together. That way there will at least be left overs (something we NEVER have with tacos because of Matt's love of the meal) and it will have some good taste to it. I thought soy was supposed to be heathier for you, but the ingredients on the big ol' can of it say 'partially hydrogenated soybean oil' and we know we are supposed to stay away from 'partially hydrogenated anything let alone oil'. I wonder if the soybean part of it makes it all okay. Any input on the matter would be helpful!

Now my friends Kari, Beth, Jolene, and all the other wierd-food eating friends of mine in Oregon will be so proud of me. If they only knew!


Anonymous said...


That sounds really gross and I don't think that I will eat at taco places anymore--I wonder what the "chicken" is really made of.

Jenn said...

The partially hydrogenated soybean oil is like a sweet-potato potato chips. It maybe a hint better for you but it's still bad for you. Anything with a name like TEXTURED vegetable protein HAS to be bad for you.
We have some of that if food storage, but never tried it. Good to know it'll feed us for a long time and it is doable.

Anonymous said...

Ewwwww, I agree with Tori,, no wonder I never like those fast food taco places.
But I guees if food was scarce, we would be glad to have it.

Unknown said...

My girlfriend loves the stuff. I'm not to sure, but I know for a fact that taco bell/taco time put spices and tomato sauce in thiers to make it taste better

Jenny said...

I want a soft taco supreme and a Nacho bell grande please! SOUNDS great to me!

Krista said...

Rob has always said that Taco Bell does bad things to him. Now I know why! You're so brave for trying this. I don't think we will be anytime soon!

Anonymous said...

Well, Unfortunately, I am In the same boat! Mark and the kids absolutely LOVE IT!!!! Mark likes to and the refried beans of the same stuff. Little larry usually picks at his real beef tacos, he doesn't even bat an eye with this stuff. Gobbles it right up and asks for seconds. He never has seconds, let alone finish his first. I myself think it's OK, But not something I would miss if never had it again.

Anonymous said...

I made lasagna with the Morning Star "hamburger" once. Joe couldn't tell that it wasn't real meat. He said it was the best lasagna he had ever eaten. Then I told him it wasn't real meat. He wouldn't eat the left overs the next day. Actually, try the morning star brand "corn dogs" sometime...they aren't too bad tasting. Probably full of partially hydrogenated whatevers tho....Hope your hubby likes dinner :)


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