My parents are amazing people. They have the wonderful quality about them that makes you listen to EVERY thing they say. They don't tell anyone what to do, but when their opinion is offered, people listen. Including me.
The perfect example of this was last week. They graciously came up to our home to watch our kids overnight while Matt and I went to Wendover. I was supposed to make them paint too, but time got away from us. Anyway, they both have been very well aware of the little issues between my kids and I, especially my oldest lately. So, before Matt and I left for our trip, my dad said to me "Rachel, I read this book recently that I think you will like. Its on my Kindle, you can take it with you and read it as you cross the boring salt flats to Wendover. Its called
The Female Brain. It is so good, I should have read it 40 years ago!" as he winks at my mom. I giggle and say something like "Oh yeah?"
He responded with "Yeah, now that I know how that brain works, I can make your mom smile by doing the simplest things." I laugh again and say "Dad, I
am a female, I know how crazy we are and how to figure us out!" He came back with "Oh, but this book is different. Since you have a house full of females and another one on the way, you could really figure those girls out," and added with a big cheesy smile "and read it out loud to Matt too!"
I gave in and he showed me how to run his Kindle. Funny huh, my dad has to show me technology!
Anyway, I whipped out the Kindle during the salt flats and read it. I must admit, since I am a biology nerd, all the parts of the brain and the hormones they produce was fun to read about. I remember learning much of that info in college, but who is supposed to remember what the hypothalamus does and secretes? The book begins with infancy, moves on to childhood, then puberty, adulthood, falling in love, pregnancy, and I then I guess menopause. I am not sure, because I am not there yet.
Why am I writing about this?? Because, my great dad, in his fatherly wisdom knew I needed to read about that darn puberty stage and refresh my mind on how Kelsey is beginning to feel and why she is acting the way she has been lately. That sweet angel girl of mine has been making me crazy lately, and my dad knew this book would help. It did. Definitely. The more I read, the more I understood and remembered that pesky time called pre-adolescence. As I was reading some parts of the book out loud to Matt, he said "You need to have a chat with Kelsey and tell her what is going on in her body and in her brain to help her understand herself." I did just that, the day after we got home. Harmony. Joy. Understanding. Love. Compassion. Happiness. Bliss. That is how we have been now for a week and it is wonderful. Matt, Kelsey, and I. Our understanding of each other is great right now. There were even parts in the book that explained much of Kendal's behavior, and made me think of ways to make my relationship with her stronger. I know we have a long road of teenagerhood ahead of us, but thanks dad, so much, for your way of making my life better without lecturing me. Now, if we could all parent the way my dad does...

I was not able to finish the book on my dad's Kindle, so I went to the library earlier this week and checked out the book for awhile so I could finish it. It has been enlightening to read about our brain's way of making us falling in love, feel so many emotions with all that estrogen, testosterone, oxytocin, and all those other hormones raging in our bodies, along with pregnancy, and motherhood.
When I was at the library, I also found and checked out this book, written by the same author, Louann Brizendine. Hmmm, should I delve into that realm?!?! I told my dad I found
The Male Brain and he retorted, "That should be a short book." It is actually fatter than the first - interesting!