This picture here is our Social last year in February. It was our first official meeting, and we have benefited from each other's friendships all year!
Anyway, our afternoon was spent eating scrumptious treats, chatting, and learning more about the 1860s era and what was expected of a woman during such a rough time as the American Civil War. Victoria arranged for a very knowledgeable lady and author, Tracy, to come and give a presentation about ladies in the time period. Tracy was one of the initial members of the Utah Civil War Association years ago. She was a crack up, and at the same time, so very willing to share her knowledge with us.
This is Jane, mother of Victoria. She made many of the dessert delicacies, and boy were they wonderful! She is British, so it was fun for our tea to have a bit of an English flair to it.
Tracy, our wonderful guest and presenter, and Victoria, our amazingly gracious hostess.
I just loved all the beautiful treats. (You can tell food is muy importante to me right now!) This is mine and Kay's dessert plates. It doesn't show the tomato bisque soup, the spinach and berry salad, the quiche, nor the cucumber tea sandwiches we enjoyed! Boy oh boy! The fruity plate is mine. I am not sure why I passed up the gorgeous chocolate cake. It was made for my friend Amanda's birthday which we celebrated as well, but the fruit just seemed to hit the spot!
Here is the party, minus a few, including me. Since I doubt I could fit into any of my civil war era dresses, and the thought of just wearing such confining clothing gave me pre-claustrophobia, I was the photographer in modern clothing. Our numbers were smaller this year than last year, but we still had such a wonderful time. Thanks so much Victoria and Jane for such a fun and amiable day, and for my civil war lady friends that spent the day with me in laughter.

It looks like a great time, and the food even looks good to this picky eater.
Good times. "Mind The Gap".
I had a wonderful time. The tea and treats were great. Thanks for taking pictures.
I love that the ladies are wearing period dresses! This looks like fun.
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