The Heber Valley Civil War Weekend 2012 was one of my babies this year. I wrote for a grant through the Utah Division of Arts and Museums and received a nice chunk of funding that allowed me to keep the quilt show free, do some great newspaper advertising, and pay for New York Times best selling author Sandra Dallas to come and chat with us, free to the public of course!
It was held during our regular
Heber Valley Civil War and Living History Weekend the last weekend of September. This is the 3rd year for the event and quilt show that my best friend Amanda and I have put together, with help from Wasatch County, Utah Civil War Association, Fort Douglas Military Museum, Utah State Parks, and a handful of other great entities.
We only had around 20 quilts entered in the show, but they were a fantastic 20 quilts! WOW! The workmanship was superb! Actually, there wasn't much room to display too many more quilts. I took these pictures early Saturday morning before the show opened. The lighting coming into the lodge was not the best, but it was the only time to get shots without people in them.
The show was from 10 to 5, the same hours as the civil war event just down the hill from the lodge. I was busy most of the day at the event, so I wasn't able to visit the quilt show until it was time for the presentation from Sandra Dallas. She was also the judge and was able to award the quilts with the fun ribbons I arranged for the show that can be found on the event website, There were fun ribbons awarded like GENERAL SHERMANS AWARD and WHISTLING DIXIE AWARD. It is the only quilt show of its kind that I know of - a unique experience.
Most of the quilts are from quilters here in my valley that I know. There were a few outside quilts from new quilters I just met, but the local talent and love of civil war quilting is amazing, and it makes me smile!
In the morning when I took these pictures, I set up around 60 chairs. I figured around 40 people would show up to the presentation and that we would have oodles of room. WRONG! I guess more folks are interested in civil war quilting, and Sandra Dallas in particular than I thought! Seats were being saved at 11:00!
This is Sandra Dallas. I first found out about her when I saw a quilting book in our local library called
The Quilt that Walked to Golden. I of course love love love quilting history, so I checked it out. I took it to our guild meeting and shared my find with the ladies there. A year went by and I was trying to plan a free presentation for the 2012 quilt show and that book came to mind. I emailed the author, Sandra Dallas, and asked if she were interested in coming to our quilt show. She was super sweet and said of course. I was on cloud nine!
As the quilt show got closer, I decided to read some of her historical fiction books. I started with
Alice's Tulips since it is set in the civil war time period, then read
The Persian Pickle Club. It is a depression era book and I fell in love with the main character Queenie. I want to be just like her. Spunky but a thoughtful sweetheart. By now I was sucked in. I read
The Diary of Mattie Spenser and cried through the whole thing. Such a great book. I think it is my favorite book I have read so far. I then read
Prayers for Sale and loved it as well. You should go see her
website and decide which one you will pick up at the library next time you visit! I still have quite a few I get to read this winter!
I purchased
True Sisters just a few days before the quilt show so I could have her sign it for me. I left it home in the hurry of course, but she did give me a signed copy of her latest book,
The Quilt Walk that I actually just started tonight. I read
True Sisters last week and once again, cried through it. It is a story of the LDS handcart company, the Willie Company, that had many many hardships as they crossed from Iowa City to Salt Lake City.
Sandra did such a fantastic job and everyone loved her presentation. What a treat it was! I had so many ladies thank me for such a fun day as they were leaving the show. This is myself, Sandra, and Amanda.
When I went to the lodge from the encampment site where I had been all day, I was dumbfounded that the parking lot was full. I could not believe that many people had shown up for my quilt show. When I walked into the lodge at 2:45 for the 3:00 presentation after being outside in the heat all day talking to the public about life in the 1860s, I was overwhelmed and giddy. I had Kenna with me, who was adorable in her white little civil war gown and bonnet and the people just oohed and awwed as I made my way to the front with my hoop skirt on between tiny little rows of chairs. The 60 chairs did not suffice.

Another 60 chairs had been set up and by this time the chairs were clear back into the entry way of the lodge and there wasn't room for anymore chairs, so ladies were standing. These are horrible pictures because of the lighting, but you can kind of see Sandra up at the very front of the room. She was super funny as she talked about writing her books and the characters she placed in them. I actually didn't get to hear too much of it because I went to look for more chairs! It was a very great time and such a perfect opportunity to share my love of civil war quilting with others, thanks to that grant money and our wonderful Heber Valley Civil War and Living History Weekend event!