Kendal has had a rough time going to sleep for the last month. I miss the days of kissing her goodnight, closing the door, and not hearing another peep for at least 10 hours. Those days are gone! Last week I still tried just laying her down and leaving, hoping it would work. Oh no, as soon as the door closed she started crying like her leg was broken. So loud and so intense!! I let her cry for less than 5 minutes and decided it wasn't worth it. All the things I wanted to get done that night was out of the question. I would have to go lay down by her. So I went to open the door and she was there at the door crying and screaming in anger at me I am sure. So I tried to open the door and it was locked. She had locked it from inside while she was crying and trying to get out. How do you tell a screaming 2 year old that doesn't speak at all or listen all that well to "turn the little knob on the door knob to the right?" So I holler at Matt to come and help and by this time she is really ticked off that we are right out in the hall and not opening the door. We tried to unlock the door, just like I can unlock any other door in the house, but it wouldn't unlock. No way, no how, no matter what we tried. So through Kendal screaming and head banging and I am pretty sure kicking, Matt took the entire door knob off with a screwdriver to get it open. That little booger!! As soon as the door cracked open, she got up off the floor and smiled at me!
So last week Kendal woke up when Matt was getting ready for work at 6:10 am. I was so tired from staying up late getting the things done that I needed to, that I was no way ready to stay awake for the entire day. So after Matt left for work, I went into her room with her, took off my clothes, and laid down with her. She wanted to play of course, so I just closed her door, figuring all would be well and safe. She could play while I got at least another 1/2 hour of sleep. You know that awake but really asleep state you get in? That is how I was. Then I realized that she had climbed up on the bed and laid down by me. She went to sleep. Ta-da!! After an hour and 1/2 I woke up. I wanted her to stay asleep so I climbed out of bed as quiet and possible. Then I saw her, with my bra around her neck totally konked out. She looked so sweet and funny I went to get the camera. When I got back she was awake but not really. The camera flashed and then she was really awake. She is such a silly sweety.
Love the picture! Funny...I remember your bra being part of something that woke me up one time as well!
You definately have your hands full with that one. I think I would have lost my patience with that door--cause I know how loud that girl can scream!
Oh Krista, you make me laugh, but I surely won't post those pictures!! Thanks for the memory!
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