Friday, August 17, 2007

Rachel, Amanda, and Brittany getting a little silly

We were getting a little silly the other night while finishing Amanda's I Spy Quilt. We had great conversation that night, including demonstrations on good crunches. I have been practicing. We also ate some delicious treats that I finished off single-handedly the past few days. I am trying to even out all the crunches I have been doing.


Brittany said...

again..I feel the need to put a disclaimer on the photo! How did I get stuck on 2 blogs...with horrid photos to boot!

Anonymous said...

It was a fun night! I am just loving my doublr chins in those pictures. See, that's why I don't whole face enlarges...chin, checks, eyes. I HATE MYSELF IN PICTURES. OK, enough complaing on my looks. YOu girls are awsome!

acrane said...

Rachel you haveinspired me I think I might have to do a blog spot so we can chat together!
I love the pics! I will have to foward you my friends you would love it
Talk to a later amanda


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