Brogan is going to be so lucky to have 2, yes 2, princess cousins. Very lucky. Actually, Presley makes 3 princess cousins.
I have to share this one with you. Matt and I cleaned out the garage on Tuesday, so nice. After spilling one of the crayon tubs all over the floor in the closet in my kitchen 14 times this past week, I decided to clean out that closet too. Hallelujah!!! It looks so nice, I should post a picture. Matt opened the closet when he got home from work and was so surprised! Anyway, Kelsey's binoculars were in there and she has not been far from them since.
Here she is with her binoculars yesterday spying on Derek and the boys across the street making a bike jump. She was so sneaky! I loved it and it cracked me up, so I had to capture it so I can tease her about it when she is 14 years old. She is the light colored dot in the bottom right corner hiding behind a sandstone rock.
Sorry this is the post with Kelsey D. Crane 007 secret agent spy! I posted a comment on the other post!
Very cool. I love the baby quilt, you did a fantastic Job! I like your label too!
What a beautiful quilt
you are one talented
lady. Thanks for teaching
us some of your talents in
relief society. Miss you all
will be back soon.Give Kelsey
and Kendal a hug for me.
I am super-duper? Wow, I feel so special! Thanks so much for the quilt, it is perfect and beautiful! Jared was impressed. That picture of Kelsey cracks me up!!
Yea for Tori! She looks sooooo good! Not fair! Sounds like a good time.
Kelsey cracks me up. I had to double click on the picture to see where she was. That is so funny!
Looking forward to the quilt project. I am determined to finish it with in the next two years:")
I thought that was just snow--even after you said where she was.
Love Brogan's quilt really love it.
Kelsey will some day be a great secret agent. She blended quite well with her surroundings. In fact I had to enlarge the picture to see her. I am not sure who knocked down the hill but I was glad they did. I always worry someone is going to get hurt but that is the mother and grandmother in me.
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