All the Crane grandkids, 14 of them, and their grandparents, Larry and Ellen.
The moms stuffed and hid plastic Easter eggs, I am guessing around 200 at least and that is not an exaggeration! The kids loved it.
Kendal and her daddy, she loved that helmet.
All the kids getting ready to get turned loose on the hill and find all those hidden Easter eggs.
Kendal was interested in what was inside of them a little more than finding them for a little while!
Here is our camp. 4 trailer houses and our canvas tent. It was wonderful. This is the hill we rolled eggs down and flew kites from.
Alysen, Ashley, Kelsey, and Kendal ~ All the cousins got along really well. It was so great for Kendal to be around the ones her age, there are 6 of them. She jabbered right back at them and carried on conversations, even though they can all talk pretty well, they were very understanding of Kendal's jabbering.
We called this our 2 year old picnic. I had some cheese and crackers so I gathered up a few 2 year olds and we hid behind one of the trailers and had a picnic. This picnic group was Kendal, Adri, and Lainee. After they would eat them all, we would sneak back and get more snacks and then return to our picnic spot. We usually found another little one along the way to join us. After awhile the picnic-ers became so numerous, I ran out of snacks and we no longer fit on the 4 wheeler.
Mark made this fun trailer. The kids loved going for rides in it. We used it to gather fire wood too.
Aly, Kelsey, and April. I called them Darth Vader, Kelsey didn't think that was very funny.
Imagine Kendal saying "Vroomm vroomm." It was very cute.
Matt brought his bow and Kendal loved retrieving the arrows for dad. She is such an outdoorsy little girl. The pictures make it look really warm, but it wasn't all that warm. That cold wind would come around and crowd us back to the fire every now and then. It is a good thing Mark brought us a little coal for the stove in our tent! My little family of 4 still managed to get our first sunburn of the year though!
Thanks Cranes for a super time. Kelsey told me today that yesterday and the day before were her best days ever and her favorite Easter!
Looks like a fun time,,,, Go Cranes!!!!
I love the idea of rolling the eggs down the hill. I hate, absolutely hate, hard boiled eggs. We haven't even introduced the tradition of coloring eggs to Anna. We're hoping we can wait a couple more years before doing it.
BTW...It looks like you guys had a blast! The smiles on both of your girls are huge!
Gary and I are both feeling sick from eating hard boiled eggs today. I will suggest that he find a hill to roll the rest of ours down. Sounds like a fun trip. I am so envious of big family trips!
We managed to have a great time (Even though I missed Saturday!) Thanks for the fun fam!!!
I hate to point out and corret your blog but I feel it very important. #1-who brought Matt's bow down? I drove by and saw you chucking (very gently) that bow over the side of the Truck!!!!
#2-Maybe I am a City Savage after looking at your camp site. WHERE ARE THE TREES???
#3-You eat Hard Boiled eggs!!!
#4-200 eggs nothing I bought 3 dozen eggs because of you for my children to color. #5-Did you find any wood or did you burn sage brush??? J/K
Ok I am better now! I am so glad that you all had a nice time. It was great to see the cousins, I zoomed in on the big cousin picture and only counted 10. Then I saw little Kendal and another little girl out to the side.. What happend to Amanda's little girl, it looks like she has been playing with Jack. I wanted to see pictures of the egg fight, did anyone win?
Way to go Ellen you did a fine job with this family holiday get together.
It look like you guys all had a blast! I love to go camping, especially with the family. I really love hard boiled eggs. Where are the food fight pictures?
I have to post my rebuttal!
I do eat hard boiled eggs, just not Easter eggs! Sick-o to eat colored eggs!
Yes, I did the packing that is for SURE!
There were no trees, that is the point of camping in the desert - dry and no trees! It works great for March, but no way in July! There were trees up the road a little, lots of pinyon and juniper trees.
May camera battery was "exhausted" by the time the egg fight occured, sorry!
Looks like you guys had a great weekend! I'm really wanting to go on a camping trip. Kendall looks so grown up with her cousins. I miss seeing you guys at Kickboxing. Maybe I'll catch u at play group this week
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