This is a bear in my yard, well, just on the property line anyway. Matt and Derek have shot their bows all spring and summer here. Derek, the neighbor kid, has a group of guys his age that come and shoot too. So, somehow they came across this bear target. In the past the targets have always been sqaures, not bears, so it was a little unexpected. I had to go take a picture of it just for that reason.

As I told the guys not to shoot me and to hold their fire while I got a close up, one of them yelled at me to pull the arrows out. This is a grunt job. Matt makes Kelsey feel so cool and helpful when he 'lets' her go pull his arrows out and bring them back to him. I wasn't offended by the request, but a little surprised. I asked if they were serious and really wanted them out right now. Sometimes Matt and Derek leave them in for a couple of shots so they can see how well they did, you know, a whole cluster of arrows. So anyway, they tell me yeah, they are serious. As I went to pull the first one out, I heard one of them say that they wanted me to try because the 2 left in were the ones they couldn't get out. No pressure right? As I totally eased the first one out I felt horrible about it. I mean, how can a bunch of 15 year olds' self esteem take it? An old, chubby lady, way past her physical prime just upped them. I felt a little bad but also a little elated. So as I reached to pull the second arrow out, I thought about their self esteem, and also mine, so I pulled hard and that arrow came right out!

I triumphantly turned around and took this picture of a few of the guys. Then Derek said "I hope you guys feel like pansies now because she just did what you guys couldn't do." I love Derek. All the guys were laughing about it and it was funny. The thing is, Derek will be 15 this December, but he is pretty big for his age, height wise and muscle wise. I could beat him in an arm wrestle until this spring when he got really good at pulling back his bow. That takes ALOT of strength. So, since all the other boys are rookies at shooting, I will only be able to up them for a little while.
You gooooooo! Rachel!!!
And you hardly old, chubby, or past your prime,(now i am rolling my eyes)
You wanna talk about lost prime,,,, come on over. Actually, you are still in prime shape,,,,, if ya got it,,,, FLAUNT IT!
You make me giggle mom, thanks!
I said way past my prime as I was thinking about how buff I was when I fought fire. I should have flaunted it then!! Just Kidding!
Yeah Rachel! It's always nice to hear when those Jr High boys get put in their place! BTW...you can't be old because I'm not, no way are you chubby and if we are past our prime we have a long hard road in front of us!
You are so NOT past your prime cause that would mean that I am creeping up on being past my prime--that can't be true. Although bucking hay bales the other day with Jared proved otherwise--I am a wuss!(i think I pulled a muscle in my left arm-but don't tell Jared cause I haven't complained!)
I think that it is great that the neighbor kids feel so welcome at your house. I want a house that kids feel welcome to come to, that way its easier to keep an eye on your own! Keep it up. You are a way cool mom!
I think your amazing and awesome! When you feel like your body is past it's prime, remember that you are so smart and creative that your brain will never be past its prime.
How funny! Derick cracks me up and I thought he was about 16. He must be tall for his age. That's so neat that Matt involves Kelsey in his hobbies. It must be hard for Dad's with girls when they get older and there intrest are so different. Where are you guys going hunting the first week of October?
You guys are sure all trying hard to make me feel better, thanks!
We are headed south, down my Salina, etc for the hunting trip. I am still unsure if I will be going. Matt and his bros like to pack in, that means everything gets packed into the mts to set up camp either on horse or 4 wheeler. I sure don't like the feeling of being trapped with no way to get off the mountain while the guys are gone hunting on the horses and 4 wheelers. See, I told you I am good at excuses. I might call my dad and bro and see what they are doing. The girls and I might go camping with them, that is what we did last year. They are not as hard core as the Cranes!!
You would be given the "Mother of the Year" award if you packed you and your kids in and stayed all day by yourselves with the kids while they hunt!!!!!!! Good Luck though:D:D:D OK, so everytime I click on your blog and music comes on I just want to hang out and listen. I love it!!!!
Rachel, you don't HAVE to go camping. We could break you in to a good old shopping trip! I am thinking that I need to go to Provo that Saturday and burn some green. Willie won't mind as long as he gets to go do his thing (whatever that is)
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