Yesterday was just one of those days that I felt completely buried. Overwhelmed. But it is today and I went to kickboxing this morning and that got some frustration out. Thank goodness. When I got home I climbed in the shower and kept expecting to hear Kendal wake up. She didn't. I sewed, started laundry, cooked me some eggs, actually sat down while I ate my breakfast, and sewed some more. I know God truly loves me and is aware of my needs because He caused a deep sleep to fall upon my children. They both slept until 9:30!! I went in a few times to make sure they were breathing. Kendal is a 6:45 am average girl, Kelsey on the other hand, does the 9:30 thing once a week if I let her. The morning went spectacular.
I got to go to Kelsey's classroom and help my neighbor Debbie, the extension agent, make bread with Kindergarteners. That was a good time! I realized how LOUD Kelsey is! We always have to tell her to be quiet when we are at either of the grandma's houses, but I just figured she was loud because there were so many kids around to compete with! Well, the case is true in school too!

Here she is WHISPERING!

After school, we did Kendal's home speech therapy. She has to blow on different kinds of whistles one right after the other really quickly. This helps her mouth change shape fast, so hopefully we will start to understand her! She is getting so good at the routine. Twice through and she puts them back in the bag. Kelsey was happy she got to blow today. I haven't let her blow yet because I didn't want Kendal to get her runny nose.

Notice Kendal's overalls, I am not letting her get to that diaper!

I have been thinking about experimenting a little with body piercing since my staple incident the other day. It really didn't hurt that bad and I could make one heck of a fashion statement. What do you think, the self contained corset like the above picture or the very macho looking shoulder blade line below?
Holy hell,,, Getting tattos is one thing, but body stapling,,,,, yikes, yikes and more yikes.
Glad the lil munchkins slept in today,,,, you needed a bit of alone time.
Okay, I just can't stop giggling...exactly what part of the body is that last body piercing picture of? ...Glad you had a good morning. My kids woke up as soon as I got in the door, darn it!
Okay, I just reread and saw that it was a shoulder blade. I agree with your mom - yikes!
It took me a minute too, and I even knew that it was a shoulder before I looked at it!
Do you think it would look good on me? You know, that lump of fat Kelsey was telling us all about, I could have a nice line of staples across it!
Why don't you try it out and then let me know how it goes for you!
I am soooo getting the corset for Mark on V-day….He’ll love it! Good to see your day is getting better. I love picture where Kendal’s shoes are so close to the camera that they look like Elmo's feet. That made me laugh for some reason.
If you get those piercings I'll come rip them out myself young lady! :) That just makes me sick to think of doing that. Ug.
Just read others comments. If we're going to pierce the fat parts boy would I look like someone went crazy with the beadazzler. I wish I could be doing kickboxing with you girls. The winter weight is finding me.
Hey Rachel,
I was at Fred Meyer today (do you have those in Utah?) and noticed Dora toilet seats. I immediately thought of Kendal since you said she likes Dora. Maybe a Dora toilet seat is the potty training answer :) I hope you don't get too much snow. Matt told Joe 3 ft. was forecasted-yuck!! have a great weekend.
I'm impressed on how much you are able to do before 9:30. I'm lucky if I'm showered by then! Glad the girls let you sleep in. You deserve it!
Adree, I will send you pictures of the final product.
Lindsay, I know there are a few Fred Meyer around, I will so have to find one. That Dora seat might make all the difference!!
Jenn, the kick boxing is a good time, I sweat and breath like crazy, but unfortunatly I have not noticed a difference in all those fat lumps of mine!
I am telling Kelsey that you are bringing up your fat lump again... Sounds like Jenn will come and take the staples out for you so Dr. Crane won't have too. PS the fred myers are called Smith Marketplaces and I love them.
I think this is normal potty training woes, it only gets better. I am tickled that she didn't pee in my car today with her big "boys"girls on. She is doing great!
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