This morning when I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and woke up to the sound of Kendal turning her light switch off and on, I knew my night's rest had ended. I won't tell you what time that happened to be because I would lose all sympathy. I opened her bedroom door and was hit by the smell of all smells, vomit. You know the kind that stings your nose it is so bad? That is what I got. She was so cheerful and smiling I couldn't figure it out, until I saw her hair. My poor, sweet, little muffin had puke dreadlocks, seriously. I fed her some vanilla pudding last night so she could have her medicine, (she loves it like that!) and I figure her dreads were vanilla puddin' dreads. I went to her bed and saw more little pudding balls all over in her bed, along with all over the blankets. The new one, the NFL Vikings blanket got another good washing!!
I should have been a sweet little momma and went and checked on her after the coughing, but that was honestly all it was - a few coughs. As I was washing her sweet little puddin' head this morning, I thought there are some things that you just don't take pictures of, so I am sorry you missed the reggae Kendal look.
I did capture however the 'eating cookies right before dinner look' though. I was fixing dinner and it just was not fast enough for my hungry pack of munchkins, so I sent them out on the deck with some cookies. Just to tie them over I swear.
Well, knowing Kendal's sleep habits,, and how she is a night owl,,I would not have went in either.Since she never cryed or anything, you didn't know.
I was gonna call ya today, but I figured it was Tuesday and Matt was home,so i didn't wanna bug ya.
Anyway,,,, your not a bad mom,,,, just a tired one,,,it'll be OK.
P.S. And the pics of the girls are cute!
That was a wonderful story to reach as I sit here and eat peach yogurt! Gross!
You are a good mom--most mom's wouldn't have even heard her coughing. I think that it is funny though, I think it would have been funnier if she would have came and crawled into your bed and snuggled up to you while you were in your sleep oblivion. Wake up to that smelly head under your nose!
Rachel you make me feel normal! I can't tell you how ma times I have ignored a cough until I can tell it is effecting their breathing, then I pull my onery arse out of bed to finally go make sure they are still alive!!!! I remember letting Thomas cry it out becasue we recently took away his binki (when he was one) and I just thought he was crying because he was missing it. After a very long time I finally go to make sure he is ok and give him some tylonol becasue I was sure he had to have had a heahache after all that crying and sure enough I walked into a room of vomit also! Nice way to wake up hugh? So that makes two of us, LOL!! Give your self some credit, you don't have cable and you husband hunts....that in it self make an awsome MOM of the year!
Tired? Are you kidding? It is such a relief to us as well to here how wonderful she is doing. Every little thing is milestone and wonderful and HUGE, especially considering the alternative. Love the pics. Good job on the cookie hold over.
By the way...I get the horrible mom award. Sorensons had some runners two days ago, so we have been locking our house (yes this is huge for us). Alysen beat me home yesterday from School and she was locked out!!! Yes my 5 year old was out in the cold. Good thing my in-laws live next door. I less than 5 minutes behind her, but she was so mad she told me she was moving in with Grandma!
I don't think you are a horrible mom at all. I wouldn't have gone in unless the coughing was followed by about fifteen minutes of crying. Hope she is feeling better!
Ia have done that exact thing. I know you feel terrible but thats okay. Please keep us informed about kendall and Kelsey we love hearing it. Its great to see Kendal doing so well what a cute little mattie clone.
Mindy, you would win if you lived in SLC, but I think Piute County is alright! Thank Goodness!
Mindy, I can just imagine Aly saying that to you and see her little face being so mad!
I thought it was so sweet of Kendal to hug Ray after he got his finger shut in the door. Her true self is slowly emerging! That smile will break hearts someday!
Heather, so will her fist I am sure!
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