I emailed him back and told him to leave a comment to prove it. Have any of you seen a comment from my bro? Do you want to know what he did? I got a personal email comment today. I can't even prove to you guys that my brother was really here! But I will tell you what he said. He wrote, "Why don't I see anything posted about Matt's elk hunt?" So here it is, Matt elk hunt. The rifle elk hunt ended yesterday, just so you all know. Matt came home empty handed.

Our busy life with an amazing veterinarian and cattleman, a gardening, quilting and history loving wife and mother, a creative perfectionist violinist, a spunky and kind epileptic princess, a sweet yet wild little man, and the most mellow and happy babe, on a joyful 1/2 acre living and loving in a beautiful mountain valley.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Matt's elk hunt post
Last week I emailed my brother and asked him if he ever looked at my blog. We live 3 hours apart and I don't talk with him very much, okay hardly ever. So I was wondering if he ever checked us out because he has never left a comment or anything. So he emailed me back and said yes, he looks us up every day or so and keeps up on the Cranes from our blog.
I emailed him back and told him to leave a comment to prove it. Have any of you seen a comment from my bro? Do you want to know what he did? I got a personal email comment today. I can't even prove to you guys that my brother was really here! But I will tell you what he said. He wrote, "Why don't I see anything posted about Matt's elk hunt?" So here it is, Matt elk hunt. The rifle elk hunt ended yesterday, just so you all know. Matt came home empty handed.
He spent a little time down south hunting, but found nothing to shoot. I didn't post that he was gone almost all of the past 2 weeks because I didn't want any wacko to read this and know he was gone and then come and scare the bahonies out of me. By the way Wackos, you are not welcome here. Go find something better to read! So Glen (that is my bro) there is Matt's elk hunt post. I even had Matt take the camera a few days in hopes that he would get some great shots for me to post!!
I emailed him back and told him to leave a comment to prove it. Have any of you seen a comment from my bro? Do you want to know what he did? I got a personal email comment today. I can't even prove to you guys that my brother was really here! But I will tell you what he said. He wrote, "Why don't I see anything posted about Matt's elk hunt?" So here it is, Matt elk hunt. The rifle elk hunt ended yesterday, just so you all know. Matt came home empty handed.
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Maybe Glen does not read the comment section,,,,, I dunno, was just a thought.
We are used to get skunked at our house. My husband is a great camper, crappy hunter. In the last three years I have spent over 300 in tags and fees and had nothing to show for it... It's an expensive habit (won't tell what we spend in supplies) But I guess they have fun and accomplish their annual male bonding.
Glen is......Glen. That's all there is to say. I don't know if he will ever leave a comment. You know that he is a watcher and not a talker! Prove us all wrong Glen. come on....I know you can do it!
I just figured out how to get my name to show on top of my comments. Just for any of you doubters out there.
Sounds like a fun vacation for the men to me!!!! Maybe us girls ought to head down to Vegas for a few days and see how they survive with out us woman!! I am game!!! I don't doubt that my children would still be alive when I returned, I would just be concerned of their condition (health wise) and my house when I came back!!!!!!!!
don't get after me about my comment concerning Wal*mart. I was just trying to ruffle your feathers.
Sorry Matt didn't get anything but it is one less thing to hang in your basement!
I am not ruffled, just surprised by the frankness of my only two siblings.
Who says this house will ever sell? We had it for sale last time when the market went horrible, out timing is amazing!! So if we stay here for awhile, I still don't want it here, even if I can't see the parking lot from my front window.
I went to SLC today to the foot doctor, and I timed my drive. They are currently building a Costco 9 minutes from my home. I know the Home Depot exit before Park city that is 12 minutes away is also getting ready for a Target. THat is totally fine with me, totally. It is not on MY side of the dam yet I can still get there in no time. I just want it out of my valley, that is all.
As for the north south wind pattern, I guess we are all in more trouble. Is that a for sure thing? I swear that isssue has been going on for 5 years!
Oh bro, Matt didn't get a deer tag this year, so he is done. Well, he did extend his archery hunt until Dec on the Wasatch mtn range.
Does that me I can extend my spike bull hunt until Dec. And if I don't find the deer that I want, can extend that one as well? Or is that just one of those "special" Heber Valley tags, kinda like ones they give some of the Piute County folks?
I hear they taste better if taken one or two day before Christmas.
Hey smartie pants, Matt's tag is for real! There really is a Wasatch Front Extended Archery permit, check out your Proclamation! Look, you make me more defensive about hunting than Walmart! But I have heard about those "special" Piute County tags.
Can't we all just get all long Glen and Rachel? It's all about teh love here, LOL!!!!! Tori, where are you in all of this? You guys make me laugh and also make me feel normal...what ever that is!
I am the "litle sister", the one that was truly tortured by her older siblings---so traumatic....
Just kidding, I love my family, I have the greatest siblings any "lttle sister" could ask for. I love it cause I am not really "little" to them anymore--taller than Rach and just about the same as Glen---ha ha!
To my two favorite sisters:
I have never professed to innocent or have the worst little sisters. I have two great sisters! Sometimes I just call it like I see it.
If there ever was any small amount of minor torture that happened to you it probably because you needed it. But I can't recall anything that I would consider torture, it was most likely just some good old fashion big brother teasing.
Glen's right,,,,,just teasing,,,,,, but maybe to a lil kid it seemed like torture,,,,, but dang,,,,,, look how great you all turned out.
Ok, ok torture was not the best word to use. I apologize. I do giggle though when I see Waylon pestering Presley and she started the squawk.
I will say that yes Glen, yours was big brother teasing. Remember our week long pranks after I poured water down the back of your pants and we would try all sorts of stuff to get each other. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to you crawling across my bedrom floor with a tube of toothpaste in your hand.
Oh what great times we all had. Rachel why are you not responding? You were just as bad with those pranks. Thats why I started coming home at nights before you so my bed wasn't being "messed with". I have think about those time quite a bit. I have thought about sharing those times with my kids but I think I will wait till they are older. I don't want to listen to them yet if they try to imitate ALL of us.
Glen, I recall a few things from you, koolaid in the shower head, and when you poured the kidney beans all over me in MY bed after of course, you had gathered them up from your bed. Who put them there anyway?
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